Chapter 4

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"Tum yahan kya kar rahe ho? (What are you doing here?)" She asked glaring at him

He lunged up to speak but she was not done with her words "You are following me, you want to take revenge? Or Money for the Scooty repair?"

Himanshu looked at Vikrant "what is she speaking about?"

He just Shrugged and Looked at her while walking to the entrance "what is the matter?"

"The matter is what are you doing here?" She asked a bit scared and concerned for herself

He rolled his eyes "Can't I go for a trip with my friends? I can also ask you the same, what are you doing here? Are YOU stalking ME?"

She let out a small laugh "Stalking you would be my last thing on this world"

"Okay then Bye if you are here to do nothing " He was about to close the when her eyes got wide.

She place her hand on the door "Hey Wait"

"What? I don't want to argue with you okay"

"Neither am I so fond of arguing with you. I am here to say that because of your loud music I am unable to sleep!" She said in loud voice, actually her voice has always been like that. Loud.

She looked behind him 1 girl and a boy was also there. Both of them were pretty and the girl is hot.

"Himanshu we will play music in your room"

Himanshu nodded and Vikrant turned back to her "Any other complaints mam?" He smiled sarcastically and she hated that.

She folded her arms and moved towards her room, Glancing at him and so was he with a kind of hated feelings for each other.

He closed the door and took a deep breath. Why God why???

"Who was she?" His friend Deepak asked

He unplugs the speaker from the charger "Long story. But to summarise then, one day I mistook her as a delivery girl, then the other day by mistake I hit her Scooty and today disturbed her sleep!"

"Ohh Man, then her saying you stalker is worth it" Himanshu laughed and he throw water bottle at him but dodged it.

"Vikrant bhai, it will hit him" Said Himanshu's sister Nisha

"The girl is lucky that you don't lose your temper or else I would have picked up a fight" Himanshu said while grabbing the bottle

"I don't like things to get stretched up. Better be quiet and everything will be fine"


She was slowly coming back from her sleep but she could see a dream, in which she is walking behind someone holding his hand as if she is so much in love with him.

Her alarm started to beep and she somehow stopped the irritated sound and her little bit opened eyes saw the light in the room. It was not a depressing looking room but full of life.

She stretched herself out from the blanket but then quickly wore her jacket as it was cold also. Walking in the balcony she took a deep breath and turned to her side due to a voice.

He came out to his balcony and they both are looking at each other. They turned their head away and thinking of the same thing ..... My Day is going to be bad today !

Getting back in her room she took out her clothes and got ready and did her light make up. Wearing a cap looking cute she peeked at her watch and she was on time like always.

In her lobby she got with Vidul and Prerna and had her breakfast. The Head told them as the hotel provides the guide so one more group of people will be there with them on this trip only while they are going somewhere.

Saumya and Prerna sat with each other. Prerna being at the window side.

Their team was settled in the bus and some similar face's came in front of her eyes. First the handsome guy, then a girl....And

Whyyyyyy? They both screamed in their head. Himanshu looked back at his friend and controlled his laugh.

Himanshu and the girl sat on the seats beside her on the left and Vikrant a seat in front of them with Deepak.

She cared less and started talking to her friend when the bus began to move. As before they all were singing but this time with a loud music on the background.

Vikrant was not interested in this so he took out a book to read and sat peacefully cutting himself away from the world of chaos.

Saumya got a message from Vidul that he wants to be with Prerna and if they could exchange the seat to which she happily agreed.

Vidul came back to her seat and getting up he sat giving some lame excuse to Prerna. But Prerna very well knew why this change was.

Saumya was going to seat in front when the bus took a sharp turn and she lost her balance and directly fell into Vikrants Lap. On his book.

"Ouch" She screamed and everyone looked at them.

"Get up from my book" He said with a frown and somehow pulled herself up so that he can take the book but again a turn and she was back on his lap.

"Why always you? Why can't I have such encounters with a hot girl?" He said looking at her and then his friend who has cupped his mouth.

Everyone was looking at them and giggling.

"Same feeling, why always you, why not a handsome guy??"

He rolled his eyes "I think you find me more comfortable than a seat"

"No. Not at all"

"Then please get up cause you are heavy!"

She glares at him and his expression was normal, enjoying that this time it is him who has got a chance to roast her.

"See you are not getting up yourself then don't blame me for 'this' as well"

"Can you please keep quiet for a second" She grint her teeths

His friend started laughing and he was controlling his. She got up and sat with her colleague who is smiling at her.

She close her eyes and relax herself while he looks at her and shook his head with a smile. Pagal.

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