Chapter 17

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He is pacing out in front of his house, regretting to call out her name instead of talking inside the house. What a reputation I have created in front of her parents he thought.

She was not looking at him was his next thought. He made her angry? All these thoughts were running in his mind when a scooty was parked infront of his house. Her Scooty !

She removed her helmet and like an about to blast volcano she walked towards him and started pushing him with her hands "Saumya"

"What was all that hunh? Pagal ho? Gadhe ho?" She stops pushing him

"Dimag ki kitni kaami hai tumme? You call your self interior designer right? I need to have your certificate in my hands. Do you design things without planning? You don't know how to do something?"

He didn't say anything but heard her scolding silently.

"And what about Calling my name? You should have came in, have talked to my parents while sitting in front of them...but no. Mr.Vikrant had to shout like a roadside romeo"

He dropped his head down.

His parents were looking at all this from the terrace and enjoying. Watching his son being shouted by someone was not the sight but him not defending himself was infront of a girl who is all dressed up as if she has ran away from a traditional party.

"Look at me Vikrant" She moved closer to him, still her voice rude.


And he did.

"Though you made the confession in the stupidest way possible but" She smiled "But it impressed my parents"


"Yes, Your word's, they dripped truth from them and even me telling them that this guy is crazy and I love this Craziness" she grinned

He was about to say something when she held his face and pulled him a bit down and tip toeing, She placed her lips on his. Giving him another shock.

Soon they were kissing each other passionately. Him sucking her upper lip and she was sucking his lower lip, eyes closed. He pulled her up in the air and they were pouring in love through lips.

His parents turned around, smiling giving them the privacy.

"Looks like our son have found someone who will love him forever the way he is" His mother said

"The way I found you"

He hugged her wife and there Vikrant and Saumya were finished with kissing.

They smiled at each other.

"Will you be my Current Boyfriend Vikrant?"

He shooks his head "I would Love to be your Husband in the current and in the future"

She giggles and pinch his cheek "By the way, Your lips are also very Nice"

"Oh, Really?"


"I couldn't analyse your lips well, so do I have the permission to know them well?"

"You do"

With that they go in for another kiss.

Their parents are meeting each other in her house and they are very scared.

As soon as he came, he immediately apologies for his behaviour yesterday.

Both the parents started talking and it was somewhat intense at first but it started easing out. They were now having tea with Saumya served.

Saumya and Vikrant told about themselves and were heard out with patience. Vikrant helped her mother, impressing her.

It was Vikrants Father who suggested that let the children's go and have a private chat before we start going any further.

So now Vikrant and Saumya are in her room. He sat on the bed and she sat on his lap. He encircle his arms around her "Admit it, you love my lap more than anything else"

"I admit that I love you more than anything else" She rub her nose with his

"More than your scooty?"

"No ! She comes first"

He chuckled "Well even I should love her because she is the real cupid as it stopped right infront of my house and now I have you in my life"

"See that's my Jaan. Saumya ki Jaan"

He hummed and kissed her cheek.

She intertwined her hands with him "do you have any problem with my past Vikrant?"

Tucking her hairs behind her ears he says "I don't care about your past. What I care is you are going to be my present and future and I will always Love you, no matter what"

She kiss his forehead and hug him.

And the marriage was fixed 💕

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