Chapter 9

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She clicked on sent button.

Yes, she couldn't say them the truth and so here she is sending her bio data to her parents.

Placing all the food on her plate she turned around and bumped into someone that all her food fell on the floor and even her clothes. Her mouth was wide open looking at it and so did the persons who was standing in front of her.

Their gaze met. He smiled apologetically.

"I should have a habit of all this. When you are near me something crazy has to happen" She raised her hands in the air

He passed her a tissue "I am sorry"

She cleaned herself but she had to change her clothes. She glared at him and he was scratching his head looking cute. She got to her room and changed.

Everyone was waiting for her in the bus and guess what, Only seat available for her was with Vikrant.
She sat with him without a word and started scrolling through her phone. He was peeking out from her Window "No book today?" She asked grabbing his attention

He raised his brows.

"I mean you are the only person who reads book in a bus filled with fun"

"Is it important to be involved in fun all the time? I am in a different world of joy with my books"

She was impressed with his reply "But still, living in present and creating a memory is worth it"

"I know and maybe I have created a lot with someone just in 4 days" He indicated at her

Giving him a bore look she smiled later and he liked that.

The traffic was alot so it was taking them a lot of time on the same road, so the tea they hand with them was served who needed to drink some.

Saumya took a cup of hot tea and was blowing air to it to cool it down. As Vikrant got a phone call and while taking out his phone his elbow hit her hand and some hot tea fell on her hand.

"Oh Shit sorry" He took her cup and placed it down and with his handkerchief he cleaned her hand and was cursing himself. Why do I always end up troubling her and giving her a reason to shout at me.

"I am so Sorry Saumya I was just taking out my phone and...." He was blabbering and this time extremely sorry.

"Vikrant" He stopped speaking as she called his name giving him butterflies . A small smile pasted on her lips "It's okay"

"But it might have burned you"

She shook her head "You saved me yet again yourself"

He smiled and so did she. Still his hand holding hers.

From behind someone whistled breaking their eye contact. They moved back "what's going on guys?"

"Nothing Himanshu" He said not looking at his friend

"Acha, look at me"

He did and his friend smiled mischievously.


"I thought you both might be in an argument again but looks like the situation is quite different" He went back to his seat and sat with his sister.

Nisha gave him her phone saying Bhabhi (His girlfriend) wants to talk to you.

When they got to the place there Saumya couldn't stop herself from not opening her mouth in awe.

"It's beautiful" She whispered and Vikrant beside her spoke in a very poetic voice "The sparkle of the sun and meeting of the gorgeous green, Shining in our eyes like the most amazing view. Had been denying the fact that there is nothing beautiful in this world but right now, I take back my words and whisper 'This is Beautiful"

She blinked her eyes not once but twice in shock. He grinned at her and walked forward. She was more than mesmerised now, before by the view but now because of him.

She walk quickly behind him "You write?"

He denied "Nope, I have a good thinking mind"

"That was so good"



"I don't think so, it was simple and many people can write that way"

"Maybe but the way you spoke it. It is fantastic"

He chuckled "For the first time you are complimenting me. I am honoured"

She hit her forehead "I am not so cruel all the time"

Many people were there for picnic. There was a spot where they were made to wear the traditional dress and get photos clicked.

They all rushed there. She wore the dress and was looking very good. Her photos were clicked from DSLR and as they said it will be given to them in hand after some hours.

He was taking video of the scenery and when his Camera stopped at her. She was laughing whole heartedly. He tilted his face and looked through his own eyes but not the cameras. The way his eyes were looking at her the Camera didn't. Not even one percent.

Pausing the video he smiled looking at her. Nisha pulled her with him and told him to change quickly. He did and even his photos were being clicked but he didn't wanted that because he never looked good, nor in photos nor in real.

Saumya noticed that he was continuously denying to have photos clicked. She couldn't understand why but didn't even put her brain much on the topic as some people don't liked themselves being clicked.

They were all now sitting in a circle talking and having food. Soon deciding to play a game. In majority it was ice and water.

As there were many people, it was decided that there will be two people who will be catching others. 

The game was so fun, all of them were laughing and some even got angry that all the time they were being caught first.

After playing for long every one sat down breathing heavily. Vikrant and Saumya sath beside each other. When she drank water he asked for some.

Wiping her lips she gave hm the bottle.

"Can I put my mouth and drink?" He asked

She nodded.

He started gulping down the water and she was staring at him. The sun was shining on his sweaty face and when he was gulping his adam's apple was moving. She found him sexy this way. He finished the water and wiped his lips but she was not done looking at him.

He found her looking at him "What happened?"

"I don't know" She whispered.

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