Chapter 7

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She push Vidul towards Prerna creating a romantic moment between them and was controlling her smile. She winks at Vidul and he grins. They got in the bus and She sat with Akriti this time and she is chatting with her boyfriend.

"Where is your boyfriend? I didn't even meet him yesterday also"

"He has brought his bike" She winked at her and she giggled shooked her head.

Only  2 two seats were empty beside her and it was occupied by Vikrant and Himanshu's Sister . He took out a book from his bag. She saw the title of the book and it reminded her of her sister. She is a book lover and she did mention her about this book.

"Hey Vikrant" Himanshu took his book "come join the game with us"

"You know I am not interested and give my book back" He tried to take it back

"Shut up. We are here for fun and Nisha stop using your phone"

"Bhai" She scrunched her nose "just for a while"


She pressed her lips together and closed her phone. Himanshu asked if everyone was interested in playing dumsharats this time rather than antakshri and everyone agreed.

Left and right side of the bus were opponents. So on right was Saumya and left was Vikrant.

Everyone was engaged in the game and now it was Vikrants turn to do the acting. Samuya had a movie in mind.

"Whose turn?" She asked and Himanshu raised Vikrants hand.

"No mine is next"

"No it is now, Saumya give him the film"

Vikrant glare at him but he just smirked.

Both of them got up from their seat so that she can whisper the name in his ear. She couldn't balance her self properly and fell in his arms. Everyone started looking around at each other as they could see something filmy happening.

He wraps his arm around her shoulder and she holds on his shirt. She quickly release her grip but then a bump on the road made her to crush more into him and she looked up at him. No expression but staring at each other. She tip toed and he brought his ear closer to her.

"Almost Pyaar with DJ mohabbat" She whispered and he felt goosebumps

"Got it?" She asked and he nods.

He took a deep breath as soon as she moved away from him.

When he was acting she didn't look at him as she was feeling weird. Very weird being close to him. Why didn't she felt that while looking at his handsome friend? Why him?


"Dad" He chuckled "You son is not handsome that someone will fall for him"

"Why do you underestimate yourself son? You look so handsome to me. Plus you are good at heart. Someone should fall for that if not face"

"Dad, People fall in love with how they look and not how they are. I may be good for you but not for others"

He shooks his head "You are wrong. Love means to love someone not their faces but when we love someone we find them beautiful always. Don't neglect when you feel the attraction towards someone"

"I feel no attraction towards anyone yet and no one feel that towards me as well"

His father sigh "Okay then, Should I start looking for a bride for you? You are already 30 !"

"I don't want to marry right now"

"But you are getting old"

"I am happy Single and with you guys. No one can love me the way you guys do"

His father felt sad. He is not against his wish of not marrying but with the fact that he doesn't believe that people fall in love with hearts not faces.

"Okay, you come back here then we will talk but tell me anything interesting happening there?"

He shooks his head "No but that girl"

"Which girl?"

"The one I thought to be delivery one and all that...She shouted at me"

"Oh yeah yeah. What about her"

"She is here. Actually just next room. I don't know what her problem is, all the time..i tell you all the time she is irritated especially with me, plus her name is Saumya which means soft but she isn't that. She is like...those volcanoes that burst out every time. Everytime she shouts at me and me being me, I am cool just because I don't want to shout on a girl"

His father smiled "you searched her name?"

He didn't say anything and licked his lips "Well...Was curious"

Letting out a laugh he said "It's okay. I am glad you didn't shout at her. One day she will not shout at you but thank you. Just don't stop being yourself and loose your temper"

He nods "Yeah"

Talking for a few while he was about to leave the balcony when he saw her entering hers. They made eye contact but didn't say anything.

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