Chapter 10

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"Bhawna what do you want?" She show her all the stalls where there was many unique things of the state.

"Do show that White kurti"

"This one?"


"Bhaiya show this white one"

The shop keeper show her the Kurti and it was very nice and well embroidered. She takes one of light pink colour as well.

"Anything else?"

"Di look for a handbag as well"

"Okay I will send you the pictures and you select"

"Okayy. Thank You Di"

She smiled at her. Clicking few pictures of the purse she sent it to her to select. Then she buy some things for her parents. Like the Saree, the muffler, earring. Being the eldest kid of the house is not easy. They keep the family first and then themselves, sometimes they forget about themselves as well.

Tired she sat on a bench informing some of her friends. She orders a spicy laphing and wait for her order.

Vikrant was hungry so he decided to eat something when he saw her scrolling through her phone. He first gave in his order and went near her "is this seat occupied?"

This made her look at him.


"Am I allowed to seat?"


They both smile.

"Oh too much shopping I can see here" he points out

"Yeah, For my sister my parents"

"And yourself?"

She pouts looking around "Couldn't find anything appealing for myself"

He nods.

"You are only child in your family?" She asked

He place his hands on the table "Well yeah, Though I have a friend like my own brother"


He chuckled "Yeah Himanshu"

"Lucky you"

"Not lucky, He threatens me alot at times because that bastard know all my secrets"

She giggles shortly.

Their order came and to their surprise it was same.

Raising her eyebrows she asked "You like Laphing?"

"Well on very first day here, I tried them and I enjoyed it"

"At least here we are not arguing for anything"

He chuckled "Thank god"

"What thank god haan? You are the reason itself for my such kind of behaviour okay" She stuffs in a laphing in her mouth.

"I really don't want to get into a fight so I accept that I was the reason"

She stretched her smile to the right and continued eating.

"Your sister" He paused to chew his food "You sister seems to be more composed and innocent than you"

She stopped eating "what do you mean?"

"You know what I mean"

She eats before answering "Well, We both are very much opposite to each other. I get angry very fast but she starts crying because she is very soft at heart so even if someone will say a word to her, which will hurt her, she won't answer back but cry alone in the corner. In school I used to beat up kids who used to tease her. I can't see her suffering and I can handle myself. I have got my father's trait basically"

"Which is quiet visible"

"I am not such a angry bird to let you know"

He smiles at her "hmm but My type is quiet person's"

"Excuse me"

"Yes" he didn't look at her and was looking at his laphing.

"I didn't tell you about me to know your type"

"Oh" He frowns "Are you sure?"


He nods

"Why did you think that why?"

"Which way?"

"That I am trying to hit on you?"

"When did I?"

"You said na your type is quiet person after I said how I am"

He wipes his mouth this tissue "Oh that"

She waits for his reply and in return he grinned "I was just joking..wanted see how hyper you get"

He controlled his laugh and she throws the extra plastic spoon on him and he couldn't control this time. She makes a grumpy face but then smiles. Stupid.

They got back in the main market and he carried some of her bags for which she denied. He saw a shiv ji and parvati ji's small murti. He bought it and told them to pack it.

At a small place there was a dance going on of people. She found her friends and stood with them and even Vikrant.

She gave her bags to them and danced with people. Vikrant was smiling looking at her, to be specific adoring her. People were taking her video but he was capturing the memory in his mind.

"Bro you are looking at her that way Vikrant"

"What way?" He asked without moving his gaze from her

"Like I look at my Girl" Said Himanshu

He licks his lips and looks at the gift in his hand and then her.

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