Chapter 14

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He found the house when he saw her scooty in the parking.

Mentally thanking the scooty that it became a cupid in their story. He was about to ring the bell when he heard her laughter. He looked at his side and she was laughing with An Officer so handsome and he was even blushing looking down.

This made him feel very uneasy. She placed her hand on his shoulder and said something to which he smiled at her.

He seriously envy handsome boys. She hugged him while he got into his officer car and waved at him with a big grin. Then she started to walk towards her own house in her own thoughts.

Aryan told her about what he is planning for Bhawna's Birthday and her help was required. She was teasing him with her sister's name and pulling his leg.

She stopped at a distance from her house when she saw Vikrant with a bag in his hands looking at her. She was more than surprised but also happy. Walking closer to him he took some steps towards her.

"Hi" He said in a low voice

"Hi, How did you get my address?"

"Just like you have neighbors even I do" He shrugged and she felt him kind of stressed

"You look a bit disturbed"

"No,'s nothing. Actually I had some of your stuff with me so thought of returning it myself as I didn't had your number"

She took it "Oh thank god. Thank you so much, I was searching for them like a crazy person"

"Okay so I will leave"

"So soon wait for some time. Let's have a cup of coffee or tea"

"No, I have to leave"

"Shut up, you can come here but cannot wait for a tea." Holding his wrist she pulled him with her into the house.

"No one is in the house?"

"Mom and Dad are at the neighbors house" 

He nods and she starts making coffee for them. She got back in some time when the bell rang.

Opening the door revealed the officer again.

"Are You can back soon"

He laughed "No actually I forgot to give you something"

Vikrant peeked to see what he was giving and saw a letter.

"Aww so Sweet Aryan"

Rubbing his head he said "I will leave for work now"

"You should and rest I will take care"

"Thank you. Bye"


She closed the door and smiled looking at the letter. This made him even more sad.

"I will be back Vikrant"

He nods and sipped his coffee.

When she got back and she sat beside him but he shifted.

"Are you alright Vikrant?"

"Haan, What will happen to me?" He passed a forced smile

"Ohk, so how was the trip? How many days were you there?"

"3 days and it was good"

After a brief pause he asked "Is your Ex still troubling you?"

"No not at all"

"Hmm and if he will then you can complain to the officer"

"Officer?" She frowned

"Yeah the one who gave you the letter just now"

"Oh Aryan" She smiled

"Yeah..Aryan" he controlled himself from showing his jealousy

She giggled "He is my neighbors Son and for sure I will go to him for help and he have to help me at any cost or else he would pay for it"

He quickly wanted to finish the coffee and leave.

"By the way. It's my sisters birthday after two days please do join and bring you parents as well"

"I will try"

"Try?" She raised her brows "You have to come"

"I might be busy"

"What is your work time?"

"9am to 7pm"

"Great, the party starts at 8pm. You can come and if you will not I will come to pick you up on my Jaan"


"My Scooty ! I really love my things to the core and I shower lots and lots of Love on them that's why I bursted on you for even the lightest scratch you gave to my Jaan"

"You are so in love with the Scooty"

"Obviously No doubt. If a guy have to love me, He have to love my Scooty as well" she asserted with bright smile

"Saumya where is the washroom?"

"I will take you" They both got up and she guides him to the one on the ground floor only.

He relaxed himself and washed his face. He walk back to her and she was on the call standing. His leg hit the carpet losing his balance and he along with her fell on the sofa.

They were crushed with each other with rising heartbeats because of the closeness. He quickly got up and helped her as well. They looked everywhere to avoid the eye contact as it became very awkward all of a sudden.

Quickly Finishing the coffee he was going to leave when she held his hand giving him chills.

He looks at her "You will come for the party right?"

She pleaded with her eyes and the warmth of her hand in his was convincing him more.

Slowly blinking his eyes he smiled and so did she. Though they didn't wanted to leave hands but they had to for the time being.

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