Chapter 5

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"Oh my God di, this is so beautiful"

"I know, it was so amazing and it felt so nice there" She grinned at her

"Di I have to tell you something"


"Wait" She sat Straight "Di actually Mom and Dad"


"They are looking for a...Groom for you"

She Didn't speak for a while.

"They asked me to convince you to send your bio Data to them"

"Sorry Di, I wanted to tell you after your trip but then they were asking me to send it to them, I didn't wanted to stress you"

Passing a small smile to her sister she said "No it's okay. I am good and I will talk to them"

"Di, do you still love him?" She asked with concern

She smiled "I did but it's my Past now. It was hard at that time as it was a three year long relationship and that is not the problem. The problem is I don't think i will get a life partner who will understand that when I was in love with him, I couldn't stop myself from being into physical intimacy, losing my virginity. Plus I can't tell this to our parents"

Her smile decreased as there is fear that how will she face her parents and let them know this.


"Bhawna, Don't be a fool like your sister. I know Aryan is a good Man but still you have to be careful. I am not stopping you from loving him or anything but just take care. Do it before marriage if you are 100% sure"

Her sister nods.

"I will talk to you later Haan. Bye"

"Bye di, Enjoy and don't think about marriage now"

She smiled at her sister and disconnects the call.

Switching on the TV she searched for something but she just couldn't deviate her racing mind. She increased the volume of the TV frowning.

How will she let her parents know about it? How will she tell them.

She didn't realise that the volume it as max and someone on the other side of the room just came out bathing and loud advertising music was being heard.

He smirked and quickly wore his clothes and reached out to knock on the door and he hit the door with a fist.

Wiping her tears she switch off the TV and look at her face before opening the door.

She saw him standing with arms crossed.

"Yes?" She asked blankly

"You are causing inconvenience to me"

Frowning she "what kind of inconvenience?"

"Oh so you don't realise? Your TV was very loud. People try to sleep here"

She fold her arm as well "Oh Acha, You were going to sleep?" She eye at his wet hairs

"Hmm, A good sleep after bath"

"I think that I should continue with the full volume as even I should make you feel a little bit troubled"

"Listen that was not on purpose, everything that happened"

"Fine, get lost" She close the door on his face and he was bewildered.

He just dropped his shoulders and came back to his room.


At the dinner table everyone was having food when the company head called Vikrant and his friend to the table.

"As our trip would be with you guys, let's mix in for this trip"

Saumya roll her eyes and ate her food.

"You know him already?" Vipul asked

"No, but we had some troublesome encounters"

"One was you sitting on his laps" Vipul teased

"I didn't sit, I fell by mistake"

He chuckles "Okay but at the end it was you on his lap arguing for good 10 minutes"

She stamps on his feet "Ahh"

"I am Vikrant Rathi, I am interior Designer"

Everyone said Hello to him and his friends and the head introduced everyone to them.

"This Saumya, Vidul, Prerna...."

Vikrant quickly searched the meaning of her name. It meant Soft and Beautiful.

What an irony her name and her personality are very different. Nor she is soft nor....He glance at her, she is smiling at her friend and hitting his arm.

A little bit beautiful he said to himself but not that much. Shoving his phone back in his pocket. He and his friends talk to all of them. Sharing something about their profession and how they decided to go on for a trip.

Everyone got up to leave but Saumya excused to make a call to her friend While Vikrant wanted to go out for a walk.

She talked to her friend for so long and told how her trip is going on. Ending the call she press on the elevator button. She got in and stood. Before it could close, someone kept the hand in between and it was open again.

He got in and saw her. Both of them took a deep breath and he leaned back on the lift. It was all silent. They wanted the lift to reach their floor soon but it was taking eternity. She took out her phone to distract herself. Stealing glance of him she thought...Why do I always end up being with him?

The door was open and some people entered in and they walked out. They saw the room number was more than there and floor unfamiliar. It was 5th floor.

Again they were waiting for the lift. Together again.

They got in and she clicked on the third floor and then it hit her. Earlier she didn't click any floor number. Stupid Saumya.

While she was finding the situation frustrating, he was finding it funny. He couldn't control his smile. He bit his lower lip to control it but she saw it.

"What?" She asked

He asked back "What?"

"Why are you smiling?"

"My mouth, My smile, is it making you uncomfortable as well?" He raised his brows

She made an annoyed face at him.

Anger>Height ! He chuckled.

She frowns "Have you gone mad? Laughing for no reason?"

He looked at her with a smiling face and she felt ticklish near her heart. They reached their floor. She walked out first and him behind her.

Before getting into their room they looked at each other.

She got in her room and sighed "Mental!"

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