Chapter 6

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Everyone is on the lake side having maggie coffee and tea plus pictures are being clicked for Instagram stories.

The guide was talking about the lake and it's speciality. Vikrant was listening to him carefully while some others were yawning.

So once the guide was done telling about the lake, everyone rushed for a picture.

Vikrant wanted to capture the lake from some top angle and from the side and for that he found a perfect rock. He jogged to it and at the same time Saumya. So he quickly got up.

"Get down I need to have my pictures clicked" She said like an order

"I came first"

"No you came when you saw me running towards it"

"Not my problem that you run slow" He passed a sarcastic smile and clicked pictures.

She fumed again and stood up on the rock interrupting him.

"Can't you have come patience?" He asked looking at her who is very close to him

"No, now get down and let me have my pictures clicked"

"No I will not and this time it's your headache and also do you like being close to me? First on my lap and here standing like this"

She was about to fall but held his shirt.

"I don't like being close to you"

He sigh "Your action says the otherwise"

She roll her eyes "looks like you enjoy my actions then"

He looks into her eyes "Quiet very much that you can't even imagine"

She started feeling nervous because of him that she stepped back and was about to slip. She held his arm and he tried to hold her but both of them fell in the water drenching completely.

Everyone gathered around them cupping their mouth.
Himanshu and Vidul helped them to get up. Saumya frowned as she didn't liked getting drenched and he checked his phone and it was working.

They both were made to sit on the bench and as it was cold they were trembling.

"If you would have come down this would have had happened" She said rubbing her arms

"Now also my mistake? It was you who were impatient. Sometimes we should learn to wait"

"Even you could had waited. When you saw me running to the rock"

He rubbed his nose "You fell yourself. You were the one who held me to save yourself but now instead of sorry you are blaming me"

She doesn't look at him.

He rubbed his nose and said "If I get sick then you have to do all the payments"

She stares at me.

"Don't look at me like that. The way your Scooty is important for you, my health is important for me" He sneeze making her to move back her body and close her eyes.

"Get ready for the bill" He sneeze again

She looks up in the sky. Why with this person always?

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