Chapter 18

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She was peaceful having bath in the shower when he started playing loud music.

"Vikrant, stop the music" She shouted but he was not listening and grooving to the music eating chocolate cup cake. They were at a hotel, for their honeymoon.

As he was not listening she got irritated. Tying the towel around her she came out from the washroom and saw him dancing on the music. She shooks her head and switch off the TV.

He stopped dancing and looks at her. Wow ! His mouth wide open.

"Don't play the music again" She said like an order.

He nods and she started going back in the washroom when he holds on to her elbow and pull her in his arm.


He nuzzle his nose on her neck and then near her chest. She closes her eyes. He suck on the water on her neck making her moan lightly.

She holds on her towel tightly. He makes her sit on a table so that she comes to his level. He makes her hold his shoulder and he kiss on her chest. He was sucking on her skin lightly and she was digging her hands in his skin.

He slides his one hand from her thighs to between her legs making her shudder. Her towel was losing and he slowly pulled the towel down from her chest making her upper body naked. He removed the towel from the bottom as well and her breathings were fast by now.

He moves his face closer to her breasts and licks around it teasing her and she was trembling. His hands her moving very close to her private area.

He soon started sucking on to her breasts sensitive area and she cried out his name loudly. He holds her in his arms and now they were on the bed naked, Kissing each other's lips hard and passionately making love.

They make voice whole kissing and their legs rubbing with each other's. The quilt was half on them and half on the floor.

Once they were done he suggested "Let's clean ourselves together in the shower"

"I don't find it as a bad idea" She pecked his lips.

She is going to her house for somedays and here Vikrant is praying that she don't.

He himself punctured the car and now she has her scooty as well and he couldn't dare to puncture it.

She tries to start the Scooty but it is not starting. Thank god he prayed in his mind.

"It's not starting Saumya lets go in" He said holding her wrist

"Aree wait, I will try again"

But it was not starting.

"Vikrant you try"

He planned he will just kick the Scooty and it won't start at once but...It did start. Saumya ki Jaan, don't do this to me Please !!!

"Okay, move, I will go"

He moved aside and the scooty stopped again making him Grin and her confused.

"Looks like Saumya ki Jaan want's to Stay with your other Jaan!" He pointed out at himself.

"Kuch bhi?"

He shook his head and pull her back from the Scooty and park it aside.

"What are you doing Vikrant I have to go!"

Then he picked her up by legs and she was dangling on his shoulder.


"You are my Order today and I am so desperate unwrap it!"

She bite her lips to hide her blush but still protested "Vikrant, I am not willing to unwrapped"

He place her on bed "No problem, Maybe Some other day until then...You are all with me"

She pull him by his collar "Vikrant"


"If I will not go home today then for a month I will stay at home rather than A week"

"You are kot gonna do that"

"Do you doubt that?"

He scrunched his nose and moved back "Fine but In a week be back to me!"

She stood on the bed and hugged him "Okay Husband" She kiss his cheek

"I deserve a lip kiss"

She laughed and they go for a long kiss.


She is back from her house and has parked the scooty infront of the house and she saw a delivery boy. He was about to call when she walked towards him "Is this order for Vikrant Rathi?"

"Yes Mam"

"I am his Wife, I will take it but still call him"

After the call he leave and she stands near her scooty with the box and as she knew, he has ordered cup cakes only.

He came out rubbing his eyes and he saw her. She smiled at him and he walks towards her with a grin.

"Box?" He asked and she gives it to him.

"Money?" She put forward her hand

"It's Inside the house, please walk in with me"

"Is it a safe offer or dangerous one?"

He moved closer "What would you love to have?"

They stare at each other with intense gaze.

"I would love to have" She whispered and then took the box from his hands "Cup cakes" Laughing she runs inside the House.

"Saumya!" He runs behind her with a smile.

The End !

I hope you guys liked it.

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