Chapter 8

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They were at a place with beautiful scenery. Everyone was clicking pictures and were walking through the forest.

Saumya found a beautiful bush of flowers and trees scattering sun rays. She started clicking pictures and took a close look of the flowers. She walked further to have a look but she trembled upon a stone, twisting her leg and falling on the ground.

"Ouch...Ahh" She hissed and with the support of her elbow and then palms she sat upright. Unable to move her one leg, she tried to move her leg again but it was paining.

In this struggle she saw something making her petrified, a snake crawling towards her. She wanted to shout but she was so scared.

Her breathings were getting heavy. She gulped in her saliva and shouted "He-Help...Heellp"

The snake stopped two three foot away from her. She slowly drag herself back. Sweating badly. She close her eyes as the snake started moving closer but then Vikrant came with a stick and somehow managed to shoo Way the snake to other direction.

She saw this and was still very scared.

"Are you okay?" He turned towards her and she nodded.

Calming herself down. He then spoke "Why were you not following everyone?" He sounded irritated as well.

"I just wanted to see these flowers and the view"

He keeps his hand on his hips "The view could have taken you to Heaven"

She didn't say anything.

"Come let's go" He said giving his hand

"Call my friend's, Vidul or Prerna"

"Everyone is far away"

"I will call them" She tried to call but there was no network.

He just couldn't believe it "don't need my help, Fine. Stay here until a snake finally bites you"

He started walking and she didn't stop him either though she wanted to. It was her ego which was stopping her...No ! Actually it was the fact that yet again he was here to help her and she was feeling guilty that though he was at fault many times but he also helped her all the time.

From the first encounter till now.

Suddenly the dogs started barking and now she was scared again.

"Even now you don't need my help?" He asked from behind and she turned her head towards his direction.

He came and sat beside her "Got your leg twisted?"

She simply nod's.

After a moment of silence she said "Thank you" This made him to look at her "And sorry as well, for always shouting on you"

"Stop before I get out from my dream" He said joking

She smiled looking down "It doesn't mean I will stop shouting on you. You are always somehow there to irritate me"

"I don't do it on purpose, I told you"

"I know but it is always you!" She eyed him

He rolled his eyes "So you are planning to win over me, here in the middle of the jungle between snakes and dogs and Deers"

"No I am not planning that"

"Then?" He raised his brows

"Thinking that how should I ask You to Help me" She points at her leg

He chuckled "You don't have to because I am a duffer who is asking to help you out himself"

"How do you know yourself so Well that you are duffer" She smiled

"Ha ha ha...should we go?"

She nods and he made her stand up by placing his hand on her waist and she wrap her arm around his waist but it was difficult for her to walk.

He was hesitant to ask it but he did "Do you mind if I carry you in my arms"

He quickly added "I mean, we can reach our people soon"

She thought before nodding.

He held her in bridal style and she felt tickles in my belly. Her cheeks were warming up and even her neck.
They held an eye contact for a moment feeling something near their hearts and he started walking towards the group.

When her friends saw her they got concerned and took her to a clinic. It was not a major twist and she was alright when a pain relief was sprayed.

"Again you ended up with her?" Himanshu asked while clicking a picture of his sister


"She didn't shout at you this time?"

He sigh "No but she was stubborn to take my help"

He chuckled "Maybe she found you dangerous"

He push him to the side and was about to trip. Himanshu laughed and even he smiled.

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