Chapter 5: Recognized

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London, United Kingdom

So she was right. It was Babysleek she saw in the same place where she is in and where she was about to battle. She would be thrilled to battle her but unfortunately, Babysleek was just there to judge.

If anyone's wondering how she knows Babysleek, Babysleek is one of the teachers conducting a class in her parents' dance studio. Her parents used to bring her all the time and when she saw Babysleek, her love for dance grew more.

She is not sure whether her favorite dancer still recognizes her but she is excited to show her how better she is now in dancing and how she loves it even more.

A battle happens between dancers one after another. Carlyn was getting more hyped and keeps on cheering other dancers that she doesn't know that someone is looking at her, looking so curious and confused.

Babysleek was confused why a person from the crowd looks familiar even though it's just her first time in London. She felt familiar yet unfamiliar.

She asked the host and other judges about a certain girl in the crowd. She was curious whether she was a dancer or just someone enjoying the battle. As soon as she knew that she dances, she personally asked the host to call her for a battle. She just knew that she is a worthy opponent without knowing her skills. Even though she came there to judge, she is very excited to battle with this girl.

"Now for the next battle, this will involve our guest judge, Babysleek. She personally requested to battle with this certain someone."

Everyone started expressing their excitement as they will see Babysleek dance, but also curious on who she picked.

"Before we reveal who that person is, let me ask Babysleek why. Even I am curious why that person, but what I know is that SHE is a worthy opponent"

"Well, it's my first time seeing her, I guess? I'm just curious and you made me even more curious because of what you said. But yeah, I just feel like she's good and she feels familiar yet unfamiliar to me. " She said in korean that was then translated in english by the host

" Thank you, Babysleek. Now that she has answered that, Champ, may I request you here on the battle zone?"

Everyone was suddenly hyped. Now they understood why the host said that the person picked was a worthy opponent.

Carlyn was shocked but quickly went to the stage excitedly.

"Any words before you battle with THE Babysleek, Champ?"

"Uh, this is unexpected for me. As someone new in this scene, this is already a big opportunity." She said

"And because of that, I wouldn't let this chance go to waste, senior. I'll make this battle memorable and worth watching" She suddenly added in Korean talking to Babysleek shocking everyone even Babysleek herself. She just smiled behind her mask.

"Babysleek goes first, followed by Champ. Now, let the battle begin."

Babysleek started the battle with so much fluidity and musicality that made everyone cheer. Champ being one with the crowd hyping Sleek. Babysleek is really amazing, she showed her experience through that 40 second dance in that battle.

Now the 40 seconds had ended, it was now Champ's (Carlyn) turn.

As soon as the music started, she showed cleanliness and sharpness in her dancing. Her dance looks like it was fast forwarded because of how fast and clean it was, never missing a single beat. Sleek stood there impressed and started cheering for the girl, together with the audience.

Champ mixed different styles in her 40 second dance showing her versatility. Even though she is new to the scene, she looks like she has been battling all through her life and gave a great impact to the crowd.

After the battle, both Champ and Babysleek hugged to close the battle.

"Champ huh? I missed you, Sarang. I'm so proud of you" Babysleek whispered to Carlyn's ear while hugging her.

"Sarang", love in English was Babysleek's nickname for Carlyn as she consider her as her sweet lovely child.

As soon as Carlyn spoke to her in Korean, she already knew who this was and was proud on how confident and good she had become.

Carlyn was shocked that she still remembers her and that she recognized her even with her face masked. Her tear almost dropped but held it in and hugged Babysleek one more time before the host announced the winner.

It was a close match, Babysleek won. Carlyn didn't even question it as she knows that Babysleek deserves it and she knows that her true award was Babysleek being so proud of her.

-------------------- END OF CHAPTER --------------------

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