Chapter 31: Practice

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South Korea

"So here are the studios. Studio 1 for Jam and studio 2 for Hook. Darling, you take care of them and yourself, okay? And you guys, our office is just at the end of the hallway, don't be shy to reach out to us or to Carlyn" Carlyn's dad stated

Everyone nodded at her dad and said their thank you and goodbye. As soon as her parents walked towards their office, Carlyn spoke

"Our rooms are just next to each other, just go in our studio if you guys need something. You don't have to knock. And about the studio equipment, the Wi-Fi's QR code is inside as well as the instruction on how to connect to the speaker. Just follow it."

"That is noted, Lyn! Thank you so much!" Gahyun said

"No problem. So should we enter our own studios now?"

"Yup, see you later!" Joobin answered

They entered their own studios and started practicing and creating their choreos for the joint part.


Soon enough, lunch came. Jam took a break and decided to go to the studio next door.

"Knock, knock!" PK said as soon as she opened the door by a bit.

They have to open the door as the room is soundproofed so they wouldn't hear from outside and vice versa unless you use the wireless intercom from the outside.

"Oh? Is it lunch time already?" Yeonju asked

"Yup, let's go! I promised the unnies that we'll be with them during lunch. It's also the time to properly meet and bond with them" Carlyn replied

"Wait- what- wait a minute. Let us fix ourselves first and look presentable" Gahyun stated

"You guys don't have to do that. We are all looking the same as them when we see them later." Carlyn answered

"wow it is an honor that the statement came from you who looks so fresh after a few hours of practicing" Sooyeon exclaimed

"ey, that's not true. Stop messing with me and let's just go" she quickly turned around, embarrassed

"Why are you so red? We aren't having red sauce pasta right? Why is a tomato with us?"

"YAH! just- just stop"

Everyone laughed at her reaction and kept on teasing her until they reached Wolf'lo's studio.

Carlyn did the same to what PK did earlier to Hook's room. Fortunately the unnies are just waiting for them and ready to go.

"Oh! They are here!"

'Hi- oh? Carlyn why are you so red? Are you okay?" Yeni asked her concerned

"u-uh, yes, Yennie! I feel super fine" She answered quickly and suddenly so energetic that made those who knew why she was red laughed harder.

Wolf'lo just looked at them weirdly but didn't ask more questions about her.

"so where are we gonna eat?" Chocol asked breaking the weird stares being thrown at the little girls by her teammates.

"let's just eat in the cafeteria. I saw the menu earlier and it looks good" Babysleek answered this time.

"of course it'll be good. There is no time of a day that the food in the cafeteria looks and taste awful. It always taste like it came from a restaurant" Haechi said as she quickly stood up as she rushed to open the door.

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