Chapter 15: Audition

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South Korea

When she dropped the bomb that she'll be joining, Wolf'lo was overjoyed.

Carlyn decided on the spot, even her parents don't know that she'll be joining. She'll just share it with them later on, she's also confident that they will let her join if she wants to.

"When is the audition period, Yenie?" (Yenie was her nickname for Yeni, short for Yeni Unnie)

"Oh about that- tomorrow's the last day of the audition period..." Yeni answered while slowly chuckling.

"WHAT?! Good Luck to me then."

"Ey~ we know that you could pass the audition even if they give you 30 minutes to create your own choreography. But still, good luck!" Chocol said to her.

"Well... I better go to the studio and shoot." She said while standing up to go to their dance room.

"We'll go with you." Mini said to her


They went to their home dance room and after a while, she was able to pick the music that she'll be using for the audition piece.

Her unnies watched her amused because of how fast she created the choreography. They are sure that Carlyn picking the music to use is longer than create the choreography for the song.

The same day, she took the video for her audition and finish all the requirements needed. And in less than 3 hours, she was able to pass everything. She was confident with what she had done, as well as her unnies..

Wolf'lo was there the entire process to support her and gave her suggestions.

Now, all that they have to do is wait for the result.


After a few weeks, Mnet finally revealed the masters.

To be honest, she was a bit disappointed that the other four teams from SWF 2 were not invited to be masters, but instead there are two team masters that were originally from SWF 1 and SDGF 1, which are Hook and Lachica.

She knew that Mnet might have their reasons why they are kept there, and she also enjoys the banters between Hook and Lachica ever since.

As soon as she knew who the masters are, she asked Wolf'lo on where they think she fits best among the teams, and all of them answered Jam Republic as the team showed various styles and versatility during SWF 2 that is really much a like to Carlyn's style of dancing and thinking.

Her ideas would surely come alive if she's with them. And they also shared how good people are in the team Jam Republic. They are very much sure that Carlyn will be in very good hands with them.


While Carlyn was studying, she received an email for Mnet. She suddenly paused what she was doing and called Wolf'lo as well as her parents for a facetime to see the result with her. She forwarded everyone the email so that they could see it all at once.

Everyone was reassuring Carlyn that whatever the result is, they are very proud of her that she came out of her comfort zone, and did her best even just for the audition.

As soon as Carlyn calmed down, her mom counted from one to three for them to open the email at the same time.

"3,2,1, open!"

Some were not surprised, some squealed, some were emotional, while Carlyn was just staring at the blank space on her wall as she cannot believe the result.

Different congratulatory messages were heard from everyone in the facetime while Carlyn was still daydreaming as the content of the email isn't sinking in.

Suddenly, she exclaimed;

"Mom, dad, unnies, I passed!"

-------------------- END OF CHAPTER --------------------

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