Chapter 23: Preparation

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South Korea

After eating and getting to know each other, the time has come that the masters should deliver the first mission.

Whether they like it or not, they have to be serious at this time.

Their first mission was to create a minute and 30 second performance with any KPop song of their choice.

This mission will measure their creativity and teamwork.

They were only given 24 hours to put everything together and their time starts...

"Now" said Kirsten

Everyone in the team was shocked and tensed. 24 hours is a short time to create a performance that lasts a minute and thirty.

All this tension was then removed when Carlyn said

"I guess this is the perfect time to tour you around our house" she smiled easing the tension of her team members.

The masters bid their farewells and gave their good luck to Jam babies and as soon as they left, everyone started getting ready to go to Carlyn's house.

But before going, Carlyn called her mom first to notify them that she will be bringing her team mates as well as some of the recording crews at their house.

Her mom insisted that they'll be fetched by their driver to get them home faster. Her mom also notified everyone in the house especially their helpers that Carlyn will be bringing people in the house so that everyone and everything's ready when they get home.

Their driver fetched them while the staff were just following their car because they have their own vehicle.

They then entered a big gate that opened automatically and was welcomed by a house that looks big but still feels homey. It feels warm unlike other big houses that looks and feels so cold.

Everyone was warmly welcomed and the house helpers helped the recording crew to set-up their equipments while Carlyn toured the girls around the house and let them borrow her clothes that are comfortable enough to practice with.

When everyone was ready, they went to Carlyn's dance studio.

They thought that the dance studio that Carlyn was talking about is just enough for two to three people that is why they were skeptical at first but all of those went away when they entered and were welcomed by a room that fits at least ten people.

They could have practiced in one of Carlyn's parents' studios but every studio was occupied right now and since it's their first time working altogether, the place they should be practicing should be at least comfortable for them.

Before starting the creation of the mission, Carlyn already said that they could just sleep over if they finish late tonight 'cause they have enough rooms for guests.

The girls agreed and notified their parents that they will stay at Carlyn's house instead.

Now that everything's all set, they sat down and started talking about the mission.

Their first question was "When you think of KPop, who is the first group or person that comes into your mind and what song are they famous for?"

Most of them answered Blackpink so they focused on choosing from their songs until Sienna suggested Ddu-du-Ddu-du and everyone liked it. After listening to the whole song, they started sharing ideas and started practicing.

It was doing well despite them working with each other for the first time. It was really a big help that Carlyn was there to translate for the Japanese members.

At times that Carlyn is out such as when she was in the bathroom, PK uses a translator which is fortunately accurate so that they don't just depend on Carlyn.

When they finished their routine, they got ready for bed and once again Carlyn let them borrow her sleep wears and brought them to the rooms they will be staying in.

Before leaving them there, she also said that they could just sleep in her room so if they find it the most comfortable place to sleep to. She really priotitizes everyone's comfortability above anything else.

And all of them agreed to this and took this an advantage to bond with each other. Carlyn's room is big enough for all seven of them to have fun, and soon enough they were all fast asleep.

The recording crew already went home in the middle of the shoot but they didn't forget to leave some cameras so that the girls vould to record themselves if they want to.


They woke up early the next day so that everyone could go home for a bit and get some of their things so that they will be ready every time they come by Carlyn's house. Carlyn came with them and their driver was the one driving them around.

They will drive by someone's house and wait for them to finish and that is how they meet everyone's family or at least the person they're with, here in Korea.

As soon as everyone had their things, they travelled again to go back at Carlyn's house and there they saw Carlyn's parents having breakfast and even inviting them to join.

"Hi, mom and dad! These are my team mates. Meet PK, Miyabi, Nika, Sienna, Ria, and Bella. Guys, meet my parents" she introduced them to one another.

Her mom stood up and gave everyone a hug while his dad just shook everyone's hand.

Everyone in the room recognized her parents as the owner of one of the well-known dance studios all around the globe with different branches.

Now that they met Carlyn's parents, all their questions about the dance studio at their house are all answered.

They ate breakfast with them and after eating, they got ready to go to the studio for their performance.

Carlyn's parents waited for them to finish to say their goodlucks and expressed how happy they are to meet them.

Soon enough they are at the same car they were in earlier but this time, on the way to the recording studio and ready to slay.

-------------------- END OF CHAPTER --------------------

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