Chapter 26: Overprotective

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South Korea

After the last episode aired, it has come to Carlyn's attention that Nika was being attacked by the viewers of the show and she didn't like that even a bit.

She is well-aware of this even though she isn't on social media because of her friends in London that have been updating her regarding the social media situation.

Fortunately, the girls are still staying at their house and she could check Nika's well-being, personally.

Everytime she asked her how she's doing, Nika will always answer that the hates aren't getting into her or that she is very well. But little did she know, Carlyn was able to see through her.

She knows how much it affects Nika. Before the show, she promised herself that she will do anything to support and protect these girls.

She hasn't been exposed in social media aside from her viral clips, but some people close to her are and she knows how much the hates and negative energy from social media could affect someone's health.

She's willing to do anything, even if it means that she herself should enter the world of social media just to protect and defend the girls.

After noticing that it's affecting Nika little by little, she created an Instagram account. Before she could set-up everything (such as her profile), she first posted a statement regarding the issue.

People didn't believe that it was her because it was a newly made account with a black profile picture and a random username.

She asked her friends and teammates to share the statement in her story without Nika knowing.

This was hidden from Nika because she doesn't want her to feel more guilty.

After it was reposted by most of her friends, she started setting up her account so that it would be credible.

After she did that, even the other participants, and the masters reposted her posts.

It was not long until her account gained followers. She hoped that the message reached the right audiences.

Fortunately after her post were seen by a lot of people, the hate comments subsided. There are still some but it was very much less compared from before.


After a while, she heard a knocking on her door. When she opened, it was Nika.

"Hey, Nika! What made you come here"

"I... Just want to tell my thank you"

"For what?"

"For defending me. You don't have to do that, but thank you. You shared to us how much you don't like being in social media, but you created one just to defend me"

"That's nothing, Nika. I would do everything just to support you, girls. Nothing can stop me, even my promises to myself cannot. All I want was for you guys to enjoy the competition."

"There will always be pressure, but as much as possible, we want that to happen naturally and not being caused by people telling us what to do."

"Thank you so much"

"alright, stop thanking me. But... How did you know?"

"My mom called me earlier. She asked me how I am doing and told me about what you did. She eanted to express her gratitude to you on how well you treated us ever since you knew us. "

"It's okay, Nika. Ever since we talked with each other, I knew that you girls will be an extension of my family. This is how family treat each other right? With all the love and support. Whatever happens, family will always be with you."

The other girls entered the room, they were able to hear the last statement that Carlyn said and got emotional as well. As soon as they entered the room, they hugged Carlyn and Nika, tightly.

"Hey hey, can't breathe right now. Can you please, let go?" Carlyn said joking to raise up the mood of the room

Everyone removed their hands around each other and their night continued, with them sleeping over Carlyn's room.

They surely are very lucky to have Carlyn by their side.

-------------------- END OF CHAPTER --------------------

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