Chapter 18: the real SHOWTIME

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South Korea

Her performance started with the song Geisha by Uki. She was dancing to this song with mostly popping and HipHop. It was so powerful that the masters were immediately hyped up.

Followed by Lose my breath by Destiny's child, she used a mix of breakdancing and tutting with this song. At this point, all masters were already standing from their sections, some even started moving to the center with their buttons to see it in the best angle available. They were amazed at how sharp the angles that she was able to make.

Followed by Die for you by the Weeknd and Ariana Grande. In this song, she showed kind of a contemporary dance style. Her body moves like water because they're just so flowy and clean. She makes some of the techniques look easier than its actual difficulty.

The next songs were familiar to most of the groups, specifically Bebe, Jam Republic, 1Million, and Manequeen. Chemistry and Move Shake Drop, these songs are familiar and they know it as Wolf'lo's last performance songs. They kind of get why she used this but they took notes to ask about it later.

She has now mixed her clean move executions, flowy movements, as well as her wittiness as she inserted floor works. The masters were left astonished as this concept wasn't expected to be used just for an audition.

Carlyn was laying down executing her moves with the same quality as how she executes her moves while standing up. Fortunately, the cameraman has caught up and understood the assignment. They used the camera with a higher angle to catch Carlyn's moves.

Her audition song playlist is in the comments :)


Meanwhile, the room that was once filled with just murmurs is now finally filled with cheers, shouts, and words of astonishments. They were surprised with what Carlyn can do.

With just one performance, they are 100% sure that she is a threat.

VOW on the other hand was Carlyn's biggest cheerers even though she cannot hear them, they keep on cheering for her.


Carlyn's performance is finally finished. Her once performance mode face was suddenly changed into a big smile, which everyone found cute. They found it similar to Audrey's expression during SWF 2 No Respect Battles.

Carlyn was able to get an All-in. She just hoped for four ins but got a perfect six instead, in which she is so thakful for. She bowed quickly six times, one of each for every team, making sure that she's facing the right angle when bowing.

But what took everyone in surprise is that she's sweating but her breathing is perfectly fine. She wasn't gasping for air or breathing heavily after her powerful performance. They are surely questioning themselves whether this girl is a human or some kind of other extraterrestrial creature.


Every mentor wanted to persuade Carlyn in joining their teams, until suddenly Yoonji asked a question to her because she saw something earlier that seems to be an interaction between the staff and Carlyn.

"I just wanted to ask a question. I noticed that you shook your head lowkey earlier during your Die For You performance as if you're saying No to one of the staff. What is it about?"

Everyone's eyes suddenly looked from Yoonji to Carlyn. Carlyn answered in all honesty

"Uh yes, about that. I think the song got mixed up as in my song mix, after Lose my breath was supposed to be Chemistry, followed by Move Shake Drop, and the final song should be Die for you."

"I think the staff also noticed that it got mixed up, so they wanted to play the the mix that I sent them instead and asked me if I prefer to start from the top and I shook my head no, and fortunately they understood that I would like to continue even with the error." She added

Masters were once again suprised by her. By how fast she could adapt to changes.

Lia Kim then asked her,

"How did you feel when you noticed that they were playing the wrong mix?"

"I wasn't anxious at all as I am confident with what I prepared to show. I was able to immediately catch on and did the original choreography I made. To be honest, I feel like my performance is a lot more meaningful this way."

"Why is that?" Someone from the masters asked

"I know all of you are having questions such as why I chose Chemistry and Move Shake Drop, and I also know that your answer is probably because I personally know Wolf'lo. And that isn't wrong, I chose these songs for them as they were the one who supported me together with my parents and persuaded me to join this competition."

"They did not know about your piece?"

"No, I didn't allow them to look into it" Carlyn answered, chuckling.

"But out of all the songs they have performed, why these?" Bada questioned

"Uhm, because these were the last songs that they performed before getting eliminated, therefore I wanted to start my SDGF 2 journey with the same songs."

The mentors just smiled while listening to Carlyn.

After persuading Carlyn, they asked her whether they could request something to see more of her. Not because they're doubting her as a dancer, but to see what more she can offer and whether the skills she wrote should be in her skills.

-------------------- END OF CHAPTER --------------------

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