Chapter 22: Bonding with JR

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South Korea

The whole team was about to meet up at a samgyupsal place. Fortunately, it was near Carlyn's place so she just walked.

She was just wearing her comfortable clothes and a jacket without any makeup 'cause she doesn't really know how to use those.

Everyone sent a message to their group chat that they were there already so she hurried up and jogged all the way to the place, which isn't too far.

When she arrived, she was welcomed with an awkward silence and being the extrovert she is, she tried bringing up the atmosphere by greeting everyone with a big smile and bright voice.

She also greeted the SGF and restaurant staff.

"Hello, everyone! Sorry for being late." She said in three different languages so that everyone could understand.

Everyone just smiled and shook their heads as if they're saying that it doesn't matter.

They also felt the atmosphere being lifted up as soon as Carlyn entered.

"Since the masters aren't here yet, we should get to know each other." She opened up a topic that could help them open up to each other.

"So, how did you guys started dancing?" She asked.

Everyone then answered and she tried her best to translate it into different languages so that everyone felt included.

Everyone was just so thankful that Carlyn was there. And it was Carlyn's turn to share.

She used three languages alternately so that they could understand.

"Well, I started dancing ever since I could walk. My parents were dancers and they own buildings with dancing studios so ever since then I am very exposed to dancing."

"Do you usually use your parents' studio to practice?" Bella asked

"hmm, not really. Since I was thirteen I moved to London to study in the univesity I am in right now. But whenever I am here in Korea, I visit my parents' studios but I do not really practice there."

"You don't dance whenever you're here in Korea?" PK asked

"I do, I can't live a day without dancing. I have a dance studio at home. It was a gift from my parents so that I could just train and dance at home."

Before anyone could react, the masters entered the restaurant.

The moment that the masters sat with them, they felt surreal because before they were just looking up to them and watching them, but now they will be eating at the same table while chatting with each other.

Before ordering, they first chatted. The masters asked where they are staying right now.

PK was the first one to answer,

"I am staying in another city, not that far. It takes about an hour"

The girls soon followed after Carlyn translated it for the Japanese members.

When Carlyn was asked the same question, she just answered

"Oh, I live near here." She said this in English and Japanese only. She just realized that PK also speaks in English fluently, therefore speaking in Korean with the team isn't actually needed.

Speaking of PK, Kirsten also noticed PK being fluent in English and asked her about that.

PK shared that she used to live in Singapore for about ten years.

After sharing that, Kirsten asked how to order in this restaurant.

After calling the uncle an auntie, Carlyn decided to help them by saying

"Uncle, please give us pork belly, and additional orders of my usual please. Thank you" in Korean

She then repeated what she ordered in Japanese and English for them to understand.

They were confused about her "usual" so Latrice decided to ask her

"what do you mean by your usual? Are you here often?"

"ah, yes. Just like what I said, I stay very near here. Our family house is near, around 10 minutes walk, but around 3-5 minutes run. I am a regular here together with my parents" she answered

"oh really? Maybe you could tour us in your house sometimes" Kirsten said in a joking manner

"Yeah sure, we could go there later as soon as the shoot is finished." She answered which surprised everyone

"The girls could even stay there and use our home studio" she added

She realized that it would be hard to travel everyday especially since she expected that there will be late night practices and that it could lessen the expenses of the foreign members who are staying in their temporary homes while they're in Korea.

"I think it would be better if we stay there, it could strengthen our bond, you know?" she said jokingly.

"Can we stay there too? It's too expensive renting an airbnb for so long" Audrey asked her, supposedly joking but Carlyn once again took it seriously

"Of course! I'm pretty sure my parents wouldn't mind accomodating you. As a matter of fact Wolf'lo unnies are usually in our place." Carlyn answered.

They just kept on talking until the food finally arrived. PK even teaching everyone how to make a lettuce wrap and that it should be eaten in one bite.


Extra Scene:

The masters also didn't fail to notice Carlyn who keeps on translating everything in Japanese.

"How did you learn Japanese, Carlyn?" Audrey asked

"I learned it by myself 'cause I was bored"

Everyone just looked at her in disbelief while Carlyn was busy eating to notice their expression until Nika let out an...


Carlyn stopped eating and looked at them before nodding casually. She swallowed her food before saying

"Yup, all I do was study and dance so one of my past time was to learn languages. I find it really fun."

"So the only things you do are study and dance, and in your free time you're still studying...?" Sienna stated but it came out as a question

"If you put it that way, then yes"

"If that's the case, then you know more languages?" Ria asked

"Hmm" Carlyn hummed and nodded her head while munching on her food.

They just kept on questioning Carlyn about her language skill, while she's just answering it casually as if everyone learns languages so easily just like her.

-------------------- END OF CHAPTER --------------------

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