Chapter 21: Keep or let go?

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South Korea

Everyone was looking forward to the Jam Republic's impromptu battle because their team is already recognized as a strong team due to the participants in it.

The participants were divided into three groups, Carlyn was placed on the last group.

She wasn't nervous at all because all throughout the years that she has been dancing, she knew that she would more likely mess up if her nervousness eat her up.

She was just enjoying the moment and kept on cheering for everyone else. One moment was when Sienna forgot the choreography, she hyped her up and told her to keep going.

She just kept on cheering until their group was called.

Her once jolly and cheerful face was immediately changed into an appropriate expression for the song.

At this point, everyone knew that she isn't here to play.

Everyone's eyes were on her. It was like a spotlight was shone on her and the rest of the room was darkness.

She performed the choreography as if it's her own and when it's time to freestyle, her dance looks like it was choreographed together with the song. She also used afro in her dance to match it with the choreography.

The masters allowed them to dance one more time to show more of theirselves and everyone took the opportunity. Carlyn was at the back but still, the masters could see her 100%. She isn't fading in the background nor was being covered up by anyone in front of her.

Her presence is just different and her moves were eye-catching.

And the battle was finally over. She went back on her usual bubbly self and hugged the person nearest to her which at this time was someone from NoLip.

That person whispered her a thank you for helping them out. And she answered a "no probem".

The masters were given a time to deliberate.


First one on their list was Carlyn. Even without the screening, they won't let go of Carlyn.

Knowing her talents, skills, presence, charisma and especially her personality, or just her entirety. She is a package and it'll be their lost if they let go of her.

After a few minutes, they are done deliberating.


"Jam Republic would like to have..." Latrice started.

The order was Miyabi, Bella, Ria, Sienna, Nika, Pk, and...

"The last member that we won't let go is..."

"Carlyn!" All together, Jam Republic masters said her name.

She's in disbelief and only came to her senses when everyone hugged her.

After the final team was called, the masters went down and took a picture with them.

After the photo op, they all hugged each other, and of course NoLip didn't forget to hug Carlyn.

They said thank you and even bowed 90 degree in which Carlyn returned while saying that they shouldn't bow and that the hug was enough.

The masters saw this interaction and was curious why, so one of them decided to ask, specifically Lusher.

"Before you guys go back to the room, may I ask something? Specifically NoLip and Carlyn."

Both mentioned participants nodded while everyone else was curious on what Lusher is about to ask.

"I've noticed that NoLip kept on bowing to Carlyn, why is that?"

"She helped us in learning the choreo. And that's why we think that one of us were able to get picked." One of the NoLip members answered

Carlyn immediately shook her head and said,

"In which I disagree 100%. They are so talented and I'm pretty sure that the masters saw something special from Eunwoo that made them pick her."

"oh! So that was true? I heard some of the staff talking about Carlyn earlier that as soon as JR left the room, she started practicing the whole routine. They were shocked that she could do it immediately." Odd, one of the Hook masters, shared which made everyone look at her, then at Carlyn.

"They said that they thought Carlyn was taking a break because she stopped and looked around the room but it hasn't been 10 minutes since JR left the room. Their questions were answered when they saw her go to NoLip's area and helped them." She added

Carlyn went shy that she got exposed. She didn't intend to be noticed at all, she just genuinely wanted to help her teammates.

After that, they were tasked to go to the room they were in earlier to wait for the impromptu battle to finish.

But while they were going backstage, JR masters were looking at Carlyn with a smile and thought that they surely made a great choice.


As soon as Carlyn entered the room, Chaehyeong, Joobin, and Yeonju welcomed her with a hug and congratulated her.

"I knew you could do it!" Yeonju said while tousling Carlyn's hair.

"Hey, stop messing with her hair." Chaehyeong stopped Yeonju and they continued bonding until they were tasked to get inside their own headquarters.


Extra Scene:

When they entered the headquarter, they saw the PeriPera paper bags and saw lip products inside.

Everyone was excited, Carlyn on the other hand was confused. PK saw her and asked her why.

"I don't really use these, do I just apply this on my lips...?"

Everyone was shocked that she wasn't familiar with makeup and just looked at her as if she did a crime.

PK answered and showed her how the products were used.

Carlyn tried it and she liked it.

"It looks so pretty on you!" Bella said

"Thank you, Bella!"


Soon enough, they were allowed to go home and of course they made sure to exchange contacts and phone numbers.

Carlyn didn't forget to get Vow's too as they promised each other to bond altogether sometime.

-------------------- END OF CHAPTER --------------------

Note: I replaced Minjung's place in the final line up because I didn't want to include the NoLip drama in this story.
Thank you :)

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