Chapter 8: Meeting

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South Korea

They have finally arrived in the studio but before meeting the other people, her parents called Babysleek in their office to protect Carlyn's identity.

All four of them were excited especially Carlyn and Babysleek. But after a while, Carlyn initiated to meet everyone, but without forgetting to put her mask on.

Babysleek first entered the room and called the attention of everyone including her teammates Halo, Chocol, Mini, Yeni, and Haechi.

"Everyone, I know that our shooting will be in two days, but I want to tell you that I'll be adding another person in our performance."

"Huh? What are you saying sleek-unnie? Are you sure about that? Wouldn't that give us a hard time rearranging everything? Especially the shooting is in two days."

"I already know that you'll say that, but I'll bet my whole life that this person will make everything better in just a snap."

"If that's what you say, who are you even referring to, unnie?"

"If you've seen my video battling in London before, I'm pretty sure that you know her. Car- Champ, my child get inside please. " Babysleek said the latter part with such a care that no one even her team has heard her say.

Carlyn then entered the room observing everyone's faces and she was contented with the reaction she gained.

"Yah, unnie! How did you even dragged her here. Isn't she from London?" Haechi asked

"For your information everyone, Love, care to tell them why and how you are here?"

"Ah sure, mom. But yeah, hello everyone. I'm Champ, 17. I am from London but my blood is more Korean that you think it is" she said laughing

"Babysleek mom here knows me from way back when I still reside here in Korea, and while on call she shared that you guys are doing this mission and that she wishes for me to be here and join you guys so here I am. I just arrived from London. I hope I'll live up to your expectations and I promise that I will do my bestest, please take care of me." She added.

"Huh? But unnie said that you're unfamiliar to when she called you for a battle?" Mini asked

"Ah yes, about that. It was true that I didn't recognize her when I saw her, but as soon as she talked to me, I recognized her immediately." It was Sleek's turn to answer.

"Umm, should we start practicing...?" Carlyn said carefully as she is really excited to learn right now.


Everyone is now on their position and looking at Carlyn amused as she was able to pick up every single step accurately by just watching it once. It is like she's being one with the team's body.

And later on they knew that she really has a good eye for detail and a good memory. And that is how she is good in everything she does.

After a few hours they've finished practicing and said their goodbyes to each other leaving the wolf'lo members with Carlyn.

-------------------- END OF CHAPTER --------------------

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