Chapter 29: Unexpected

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South Korea

Everyone woke up early to get ready and fetch Hook members. They are excited to meet them again as both groups click even though one group is global, while the other is a full-korean group.

After they all showered and dressed, they went down to eat their breakfast. Carlyn's parents went to the studio first to make sure to leave two studios free for Jam Babies and Hook.

When they went down to the dining area, Carlyn was already there helping the house helpers to fix the dining table and done cooking some of the dishes.

They ate and quickly went to one of Carlyn's family car which could fit the 14 of them.


They started fetching the Hook members one by one. They were surprised with how big and comfortable the car is but did not question it anymore.

As soon as everyone is fetched, their next destination is to the studio.

It will also be Jam babies' first time going to the very famous studio that Carlyn's parents own.

Hook members on the other hand are clueless on which studio they will be practicing in. They trust Carlyn enough that they didn't ask any other questions regarding the studio.

After a few moments, they arrived. Everyone in Hook was astonished to find out where they are, and Jam babies excluding Carlyn are also astonished seeing the famous building for the first time.


"WE'RE PRACTICING HERE!?!!?" Sooyeon asked, surprised. Carlyn just nodded as a response

"Wait- isn't this Finnini dance studio? How—"

"Is there even an unoccupied studio inside?"

"Of course, I told you guys. I got you" she winked

"But isn't this expensive, Carlyn-ah?" Gahyun asked

Before answering, Carlyn led the way and entered the automatic door, the front desk staff seeing them welcomed them.


"Hello, Carlyn! Long time no see! I see that you brought your friends, huh?"

"Hi, miss Park! I missed you! And yes, we'll be using two of the free studios that I reserved for today. May I ask which studios are for us?"

"I missed you too, Carlyn! But your rooms are at the top floor. Studios A-01 and A-02, your usual rooms. And by the way, here are the visitor cards for your friends"

"Thank you, miss Park! I will takeover from here. See you later!"


"You are a regular here?" Chaehyeong asked

"Well kind of"

"Let's go to the elevator. Our rooms are at the top floor" Carlyn added

They were now in front of the elevator waiting for it to open. When it opened, Carlyn let the others go in first and got in last so that she will be in front.

While going up, Yejin broke the silence.

"Isn't the top floor rooms usually the special rooms?" She asked

"Yes, only some people could use those" Carlyn answered

"If that's so... Are you somewhat related to the owners...?"

Everyone in Jam babies went quiet and was then followed by Hook. And as soon as everyone was quiet, Carlyn turned around and said

"Hello, everyone. My name is Carlyn Finnini" she said bowing and smiling

Everyone in Hook froze.


"My parents own the company"

"Oh we're here! I'll let you meet my parents first. Let's go!"


Carlyn knocked on her parents' door. They were already expecting Carlyn with the others because miss Park updated them when they rode the elevator.

After a few seconds, the door opened revealing Carlyn's parents. Everyone in Hook was starstrucked.

They cannot comprehend that Carlyn is the daughter of the Finninis who are the owners of the building they are in right now; which is also the main headquarters of the studios out of over a hundred buildings around the globe.

Another thing that they cannot comprehend is meeting Carlyn's parents. They know them not only as the owner of the studio but as renowned dancers in the industry.

Even though they stopped dancing for quite a while now, they made an impact that people could still remember after quite a while.

Hook members expected Carlyn's mom to just shake their hands but instead she hugged them. It felt so warm that they could remember the hugs that their own moms gave them.

They now understand where and how Carlyn became so affectionate to someone close to her. Her dad on the other hand just fist bumped everyone and ruffled Jam Babies' hairs.

He would have done the same with Hook but he doesn't have their consent nor doesn't know whether they like people touching their hair.

They understood how Carlyn became a good person. It is because she grew up with very good people.

They introduced theirselves one by one and as a joke Jam babies including Carlyn also introduced theirselves.

With that, everyone's laughter filled the room.

Hook members were shocked when they heard the other members of Jam calling Carlyn's parents, mom and dad as well. It hasn't been long since they met but they are already this close. Her parents must be really good people and easy to get along to.

Carlyn's parents themselves toured everyone at the top floor of the building before showing the rooms that they will be practicing in.

Even the building and studios have this very warm and homey feels to it even though some of the rooms were empty. Unlike other studios that looks really cold even with people inside.

Every room was also soundproofed and the door could be frosted or not, depending on the people occupying the area if they wanted the door to be frosted. In just a click, it would change from transparent to frosty and vice versa.

Everyone was amazed except Carlyn and her parents.

While walking Carlyn's mom said

"By the way, darling, your non-biological mom and unnies are also practicing at this floor. Wanna meet them?"

"Yes please! I miss them so much"

The others were curious on who they are referring to. They just followed where they were going and after a few steps, they stopped in front of a door and Carlyn's mom knocked.

When the door opened, everyone was once again starstrucked when they saw...

-------------------- END OF CHAPTER --------------------

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