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"hey, harry... how about instead of sitting here and sulking in our sorrow, we do something to get your mind off of it?"

harry sniffed. "like what?"

zayn thought for a moment. "we can, um..." he glanced at his watch. "there's a new club downtown, we can go check it out? it sounds really cool!"

"zayn, i really don't feel like going anywhere right now, much less cl-"

"nonsense!" zayn said lightly. "what's laying in your bed and crying gonna do for you? come on, let's go!" he tugged on harry's shirt, trying to get him to get up.

"fiiiine..." he reluctantly stood up, running his hands through his curls a bit.

"yaayy!" zayn smiled and kissed the side of harry's head.


first let me hop out the muh-fuckin porsche...

louis arm flew to the side to pick up his phone and silence the obnoxious song. he was about to click decline when he saw who it was.

he sat up in his bed. "...harry?"

louis couldn't understand anything he was saying because of how hard harry seemed to be crying.

"harry, slow down... breathe... good... inhale, exhale, love... alright, now what were you saying? what's wrong?... oh, harry... i'm so sor- harry, no! no! stop! i- you, what? i know, but... harry! don't do anything you'll regret, please just breathe! don't-"

the call dropped.

"fuck!" louis slipped on a white t shirt and his toms and raced out the door as quickly as he could. he needed to save his ex. and he needed to go fast.

when louis finally arrived at harry's flat, he wasted no time in running to the door and pounding on it as hard as he could.

"harry! open the door, please! don't do anything!" he screamed as loud as he could.

when harry didn't answer, louis cursed and circled the house, trying to find another way in.

"agh, shit..." he said, before catching sight of an open window.

he rushed towards it, placed his hands in the open space, and used all of his strength to lift it open. it finally gave way, and louis stepped through it and into the kitchen.

old memories flooded back to him, harry teaching him how to whisk, them throwing flour at each other while trying to cook cupcakes... so many memories. but now was not the time for reminiscing.

louis made his way through the barely illuminated house that he remembered so well, being careful not to trip on anything.

"harry! harry! hazza? please answer me so i know you're okay!"

upon seeing a light coming from harry's room, he ran towards it, calling out harry's name all the way. he opened the door to his room, and what he found was horrifying.

there harry lay, on the floor, with louis' old beanie in his hand.

louis gasped and dropped to his knees, shaking harry insistently. he put his head to harry's chest, listening for the smallest heartbeat, anything.

"harry, no... wake up... please, no no no no no no... i'm so sorry, love, i'm sorry for what i did to you just please wake up! just wake up! god, what have i done, why... why..."

louis took his beanie out of harry's hand and scanned it, noticing a folded-up piece of paper inside of it.


i meant what i said on the phone. i loved you. and i still do. no matter how many times you cheat on me, no matter how many times you leave me, no matter whatever you do to me i will always love you. by the time you read this note, i will be dead. you can try to save me, louis, you can call the ambulance, you can cry and scream and curse, but i will still remain dead. i didn't just do this for you, though. i did this because of zayn. it was my fault he died in the motorcycle accident. i told him to go faster. i told him it would be fine. i feel like this is my punishment. this is me punishing myself for not being good enough for you and for killing zayn. now we are both dead. it's much like my love for you, death. whatever you do, you can never stop it, it will keep persisting on and on, whatever happens. i love you louis. i always have. one day we will see each other again, boobear.


louis collapsed onto the floor beside his dead love, wondering, why? why did this have to happen? why did he cheat on his beautiful harry?


niall and liam arrived at the hospital about a half hour after harry and louis did.

"louis, oh my god what the hell happened?" niall asked, sitting next to him, liam sitting on the other side of him.

"harry..." louis wiped the tears streaming down his face. "harry's... dead, and so is zayn..."

"zayn's, what?" liam gasped.

"zayn's motorcycle crashed into a curb, he- um, he hit his head so hard that his skull cracked, that's what harry said over the phone, that's why harry..." louis couldn't bear to continue.

"zayn's dead... he's fucking dead. i didn't even get to talk to him, i haven't seen him for years and now he's... he's-" liam sobbed. "...dead."

"you guys, i'm so sorry... this must be horrible for you two..." niall pulled the two crying lads into a hug.


louis spent the rest of the month in him and harry's old flat. he slept where they had made love for the first time, he cooked breakfast where harry had cooked breakfast for him while he was too busy getting ready to cheat on him, he watched tv where they had cuddled and watched the notebook together, never mind the fact that louis had been watching harry the whole time.

he just couldn't let go of harry, despite how many times he'd done it before.

he slipped on harry's old purple jack wills hoodie and fell asleep to the smell of his deceased hazza.


a/n: all that's left now is the EPILOGUE

wow what an emotional rollercoaster, you guys...

if ur crying right now its ok so am i

the epilogue'll have u screaming though...

stay tuned, readers.xx

---- m

cuddle, cheat, repeat // larryWhere stories live. Discover now