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"i'm sorry for getting mad at you, lou bear," harry whispered that night, holding louis in his arms and on the brink of sleep.

on the other hand, louis was wide awake. " 's okay, haz."

"i just- i love you so much, it would shatter my heart if you cheated on me." harry planted a kiss on the back of louis' head.

"speaking of shattering." louis slid out from beneath harry, out of the bed, and towards the barely-hanging-together fragments of what used to be harry's phone.

harry sat up as louis picked up the "phone", studying more of how the moonlight dipped into the beautiful curves of his boyfriend's face and outlined his figure, than on what he was actually saying.

"harry, hey, are you listening babe?" louis snapped his fingers in front of harry's face, snapping him out of his trance.

"of course baby, we can worry about buying me a new phone tomorrow, just get back into bed and cuddle with me right now because i'm quite tired." harry yawned.

"oh alright, you silly fool."

louis slipped back under the sheets and nuzzled his face into the notch in harry's neck that he fit so perfectly into.

as he mindlessly traced circles on harry's tummy, he felt harry's breath even out.

unlike harry, who was sleeping like a baby at this point, louis laid awake, thinking hard about plans to meet up with niall again. or maybe- louis cracked a smug smile as a thought occurred to him- maybe he could see a different man tomorrow! maybe he could find a different shag every day, to keep his sex life interesting and fresh!

wonderful, louis thought to himself, harry would never suspect.

or so he thought.


when harry's eyes fluttered open the folllowing morning, he immediately checked under his arm to see if louis was still there.

he smiled as he saw the top of his boyfriend's head, and kissed his hair.

"love you, boo," he whispered, never to wake his beautiful partner, because shit, louis looked adorable as he slept.

he planted another chaste kiss on louis' head and slid carefully out of bed.

upon making his way out or the room, into the hallway, and into the kitchen, hary placed his hands on his hips, thinking, what do you make for someone that your entire life falls into orbit around?

as harry was pondering what to make louis for breakfest, or the absolute best meal of the day! as louis called it, the man himself came out of the hallway... looking fresh, dressed, and dear lord- was his hair styled into a fringe again?

"you look extra gay today, m'love," harry pointed out, wrapping his arms around louis waist.

"heh..." louis chuckled nervously. "i think i'm going out, i'll be back before four."

"but louis... i-"

and before harry could finish, louis was out the door, with something looking like a condom in his back pocket.

harry sighed, a tear sliding down his cheek. "...love you."


a/n: i changed the names of the chapters because i thought it'd be cooler this way :D

ily babes, i hoped you liked this chapter although the cuddle chapters will be VERY short.

-m xx

cuddle, cheat, repeat // larryWhere stories live. Discover now