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louis always had a sixth sense, he could feel when something was wrong. so when he woke up next to niall instead of harry, his sixth sense kicked in and he was hit with a pang of guilt.

"niall." louis shook his friends shoulder harshly, his head pounding from last night's... activities. "nialler, wake the fuck up."

niall groaned and flipped over onto his stomach, burying his face in his pillow. "no."

"what did we do last night?" louis persisted.

niall sat up at the memories of last night and smirked, turning to face the man he was in love with. "we made love."

"erm..." louis was confused. making love was something you only did with someone you love. that's why it was called making love... but the thing was, louis didn't love niall, so why would he-


"do you-" louis furrowed his eyebrows. "...love...someone, niall?"

niall chuckled and pressed a kiss to his forehead, swinging his legs to get off the bed.

"what do you think, lou?"

the door to the bathroom slammed shut. louis groaned and buried his face in his hands, falling back onto his pillow. he had a boyfriend for christ's sake, what the hell had he done?

how does one tell another that they simply don't love them any more then as a friend after being freshly fucked by him?

louis pondered his options before a thought- or rather, a feeling- popped into his head.

the feeling of pure excitement and vigor that he had just fucked someone, and harry had no idea!

but another part of his mind told him, louis, the fuck are you doing? you've loved harold for three years now, why throw it away on niall? cheater. you've no idea how heartbroken harry is right no-

guilt coursed through louis' veins as his anger got the best of him.

he covered his ears with his hands, gnashing his teeth. "shut up! niall fucks better!"

louis' anger dissipated as he thought about what he had just said.

he lowered his hands from his ears and smirked. he definitely meant it.

he should do this more often...


meanwhile, at louis and harry's shared flat, harry screamed the few remaining pieces of his heart out.

"forever, you said!" harry threw his pillow across the room, so that it hit the framed picture of him and louis at their ski vacation. "bullshit! that's bullshit, louis, and you know it!"

harry broke down in tears, falling to the floor. he hugged his knees to his chest and cried.

he cried and cried and cried, knowing that his louis, his louis fucked niall last night.

they're probably going for round two right now, harry thought.

harry grabbed his phone from under his pillow and called louis for the twenty-sixth time since last night.

harry wasn't surprised when it went straight to voicemail.

"lou, i-" harry choked back a sob. "...thought you loved me. you...told me, w-hen you took my v-virginity..."

it was then that harry broke. he hurled his phone across the room, and heard a crack, whether it was his phone, the wall, or his heart.


great, now he was hearing louis' voice. he must be going mad-

"harold! christ, harry, i'm so sorry babe, i didn't think-"

the curly headed boy felt arms wrap around his shoulders, a failed attempt at trying to get him to stand up.

"get. the. fuck. out." harry growled through clenched teeth. "stop touching me and get out of my house."

louis wanted to laugh at how melodramatic harry was being, but instead he forced tears out of his eyes. "baby, no-"

"you spend the night at niall's house, leaving me here to sleep alone... a-and you think that i'm just going to forgive you?!" harry screamed, standing up and shoving louis off of him. "i love you, louis, but if you're going to be a heartless asshole, i-" harry broke down in sobs again.

"i'm sorry baby, please listen to me! i didn't do anything with niall, i promise! i love you, and i will always love you, hazzabear, believe me." louis was practically spilling out lies at this point. "i'm not- i don't... love niall like i love you. niall is nothing compared to you."

"then what were you doing at his fucking house, louis?! why were you there?!" harry stood up, clenching his fists.

louis thought quickly and remembered that harry's birthday was less than a week away. hah. how convenient.

"i was picking up your surprise present, idiot!" he sighed and ran his hands through his hair. "niall and i- we were ordering this... these shoes from the united states that we thought you might-"

"that's a fucking lie, louis." harry spat. "do you think i'm stupid? you fucked him. i can see your swollen lips, flushed cheeks, and your sex hair."

"okay, fine, harry! i fucked niall! but i swear to you, it meant nothing! it was just a drunken mistake!"

if lying was an olympic sport, louis would've gotten the gold.

louis' voice lowered to a whisper. "i love you, only you."

harry sighed, because shit, he loved him way to much to see through his lies as he pulled the smaller boy into a hug.


so many ghosties :(

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i love you all so much :)

-m xx

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