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he was going to stop.

he was going to stop lying to his best friend.

he was going to stop being unfaithful.

and he was going to tell harry the very next time he saw him.

louis snuck a glance at his watch.

7:36 p.m.

he was gone for that long?

"harry?" louis opened the door slowly, calling out his lover's name.

damn, he was nervous as hell.

"present." harry replied, his voice scratchy, as if he'd been... crying?

louis cursed under his breath. what if he'd found out?

louis entered their room hesitantly, gasping when he saw harry splayed out on the bed, his jumper hanging loosely from the broken boy's hands.

he actually felt really bad to have caused this.

he sat down on the bed next to him, and rubbed his back soothingly.

"haz, what's wrong baby?"

anger flared up in harry.

he sat up and glared at louis. "what's wrong?"

harry threw lou's jumper to the ground angrily. "you've been gone for the entire day, and you have the nerve to ask me what's wrong?!"


"you've been cheating on me haven't you?" harry spat, staring straight into louis' terrified eyes.

"haven't you?!" he screamed when louis didn't respond.

louis let out a shaky breath. "okay, maybe i have been cheating on you, but i regret it no-"

harry's anger was immediately replaced with heartbreak. "you-"

tears filled his eyes. "y-you've really b-been- cheating ...?"

louis heart broke, seeing the pained expression on his best friend's face.

sure, he cheated a few times.

sure, he was starting to get bored of harry.

but he had never seen such a combination of hurt, anger, and confusion in the, usually perky, boy's expression

"i'm so so sorry haz, i would've told you, but-"

"i'm leaving," harry interrupted.

"l-leaving? but you don't have any clothes!" louis called as harry walked out of the room and down the stairs with nothing but a new iphone in his hand.

louis ran after harry and caught up with him just as he was about to open the door.

"i'm sorry." he pleaded, he really was.

"goodbye, lou."

harry kissed louis' cheek one last time, and in a matter of seconds, harry was gone from his life.

and it was all because of his stupid desire for sex.


harry ran.

no, he didn't know where he was going.

no, he didn't care.

he just... ran.

harry soon found himself at a local gas station. he walked over to the entrance of the quick mart, wiping a few- okay, maybe ALOT of tears off his cheeks and eyes, before pushing the door open.

he was immediately met with the smell of smoke and liquor, and was disgusted, but wandered the small building nonetheless.

he didn't even know what exactly he was doing here at 8:00 at night, with nothing but a shattered heart, an iphone, his sweater, and his wallet.

"mate, are you okay?"

harry looked around to find the source of the voice.

"over here, bro."

he felt a warm hand on his shoulder and he turned around, coming face to face with a stunning boy about his age.

"what?" he grumbled, he really wasn't in the mood for talking to anybody, even if they did look like a vogue model sent from up above.

the boy frowned and grabbed harry's hand, beginning to drag him out of the store.

"hey, what the hell do you think you're doing?! get off of me! this is kidnapping, you could be arreste-"

"mate, do me a favor and shut the fuck up for a second."

harry shut the fuck up for a second.

the person pushed harry into the front seat of his car.

"look, i'm no relationship expert, or a psychologist even, but i have a good sense of when something's wrong with someone. now tell me what's wrong."

"i-" harry's eyes watered with fresh tears.

"she cheated, didn't she?"

"he." harry choked.

the person wrapped harry in a hug and let him cry into his shoulder.

after a few more minutes of venting and crying, harry finally told the boy his name.

" 'm harry, by the way." he let out a humorless chuckle and held out his hand.

"zayn." he shook it. "now let's take you back to my place, yeah?"


a/n: kk first of all im sorry this is so short

and second of all ........

oooooo harry met zayn

whats gonna happen

no one knows

except me mwahahahaha

i have the whole rest of the story planned out so buckle your seats motherfuckers >:)

hey btw, if i made an instagram for this fanfic, would anyone follow it?

anyone at all?

prob not...

ok byeeee ilysm and i hope you enjoyed this chappie! ;D


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