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a/n: i don't usually put authors notes at the start of the chapter, but this is an exception bc i am sO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE OMFG IVE JUST BEEN BUSY AF BC IM IN CALIFORNIA ON VACATION OKAY ILY BYE ENJOY THE CHAPTER <3


"i've got ya third cheat right here, tommo."

"oh yeah? whats his name?" louis fumbled with the keys to his car, eager to get to niall's house before harry woke up this time, just to save harry the heartbreak of seeing him leave.

"liam payne, an old friend from school. he came over here just a few minutes ago to say hi after three fucking years."

someone spoke in the background, "i was busyyyy, nialler, i told you!"

"yeah, yeah." he heard rustling. "come over as quick as you can, save me from paynooooo!"

there was a clamor of squeals, screams and laughs before the line went dead.

"erm, alrighty then..."

louis tucked his phone into his pocket, turning onto the road. they must be best friends or something, louis thought to himself as he drove.


louis had been knocking and waiting at niall's doorstep for thirty fucking minutes.

he checked for the umpteenth time if niall's car was parked in his driveway, and yes, it still was, so where the hell was niall himself?

louis dialed him up, furious.

it rang five times before he answered.

"uhm..." he heard rustling in the background and a fit of giggles. "hey lou, whats up?"

"what's up?" louis snarled. "what's up is that i'm standing on your porch and have been for thirty minutes and shit niall, just open up the god damned door-"

he was cut off by niall himself swinging the door open, and louis was taken aback at his appearance.

he seemed to have just shagged someone.

sex hair, check.

glossy eyes, check.

flushed cheeks, check.

swollen lips, check.

and not to mention the fact that his shirt was inside out.

"niall, what the hell?!" louis growled, marching into his house.

"what?" niall closed the door, eyes wide.

"you know what!"

"no, i don't!" niall pleaded. "just tell me what!"

and a man with chocolate eyes, the same color hair, and light stubble, liam, very strategically chose that exact moment to walk into the living room, looking exactly like niall.

"oh hey! louis, i presume?" he smiled warmly, oblivious to what had just taken place.

"yeah, that's me. how was your fuck with niall?" louis narrowed his eyes.

"lou, what-"

a fond smile made its way onto liam's face. "it was great, th- waaaaaait." liam's smile dropped.

"that's what i thought."

"lou, let me expl-"

"shut up." louis spat. "you. chocolate eyes." he pointed at liam. "bedroom. now. let's make this quick."

liam slowly backed away from louis, and into the bedroom again, his heart pounding.


this cheat was by far the worst. liam had been shaking with fear the whole time, and almost fell off the bed once, no matter how many times louis told him to "calm down babe, i'm not gonna hurt you,".

louis had to apologize repeatedly after they fucked, and liam reluctantly accepted his apologies.

and as for niall, when they came out of his bedroom, each looking freshly fucked, he couldn't help the jealous frown forming on his face.

the three spent the rest of the day at niall's house, eating shit loads of junk food and laughing about stupid jokes.

and louis couldn't have been happier.

but harry could.

he sat on their bed, curled into louis' jumper and crying, once again heartbroken by louis' foolish actions.


a/n: okay i know what you're thinking.


well good news, its not!

i have many more ideas for this book. and i'm planning to end it at around 15 or 20 chapters :)

vote, comment, fan !!

ilyasm :) xx


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