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"babe, come back to meeeee!"

louis giggled. "i have to take a wee, silly harold!"

"b-but you have to give me belly kisses and snuggle me to sleeeeeeep!" harry stuck his bottom lip out as louis walked to the bathroom.

"we can do that after i wee, harry!" louis slammed the door to the bathroom.


harry let his head fall back on his soft pillow, (of course it wasn't as soft as louis, though), and listened to the tick, tock, tick, tock, of the clock.

moments later, the door to the bathroom swung open and the light was flicked off.

harry smiled sleepily as he felt a body crawl into the bed with him.

louis turned harry over and lifted his shirt up with his delicate fingers.

"bed time for us."

he placed his lips on harry's toned abs, right in the middle of the butterfly.

again, his lips were pressed against a spot slightly to the right of before.

louis continued to do this, making sure to kiss every spot of harry's tummy, and yawning in between, of course.

eventually, louis and harry fell asleep at the same time, louis lips still on harry's belly.




harry opened his eyes, but immediately found himself squinting because of the light.

harry streched his arms, up, up up.

in fact, harry's arms went so high up...

that he hit his hand on the headboard of the bed, and quite hard.

harry whimpered, bringing his hand down quickly to inspect it.

"lou boo, i have a hurt on my hand..."

harry frowned. louis always helped him when he hurt himself.


harry turned over, to find that his boyfriend was not there.

"baby, where aaaaare you?"

harry swung his legs over the edge of the bed and began to groggily make his way to the kitchen, until he felt something on his tummy.

lifting his shirt up, he found saliva all over his pretty butterfly.

he would've gotten creeped out, like how the hell did he get spit on his abs? but he smiled warmly as he remembered the night before, with the adorable, cerulean-eyed boy that was, may he point out, not in the house.

harry's mood swung faster than ever.

"stop playing games, tomlinson!" he snapped, looking around furiously.

but oh no... what if he'd heard that? oh harry's poor louis, he didn't mean to, certainly not.

"im sorry," he whisper yelled.

little did he know, his boyfriend wasn't.

not at all, the cheating bastard.

cuddle, cheat, repeat // larryWhere stories live. Discover now