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"hey lou, what's up?"

louis thought it was better to skip all the "how are you" and "i'm doing well" bullshit, and cut straight to the point.

"tell me about your hot guy friends."

niall's heart shattered. didn't he mean anything to him? or was he just another one night stand? he probably hadn't even broken up with harry yet.

"louis darling, aren't you, erm, in... a... relationship? with harold?" niall stuttered, afraid of saying the wrong thing.

"shut up, just find me another good fuck by noon. ring me up when the job's done." louis hung up without another word.

niall let his phone drop to the floor.

"heartless bastard," he muttered to himself. there was no way in hell he would find louis another good fuck by noon.


niall sighed. "i found you another good fuck by noon."

"wonderful, whats his address?" louis licked his lips, eager to meet this "good fuck by noon".

"i'll text it to ya, bye." niall hit end call and texted louis his address.

he thought about adding a "have fun tonight. bitch.xx" at the end, but decided not to, in the end.


louis bit his lip as the door opened, revealing a sexy, toned man, with quite a bit of stubble, his jet-black hair styled upward into a quiff.

"louis?" he spoke, his voice thick with a bradford accent.

"erm..." louis cocked an eyebrow.

"zayn, mate." zayn held out his hand, which the smaller lad shook politely.

"well, zayn mate, let's get straight to fucking, shall we?" louis smirked.

"whoa whoa, let's get to know each other first." zayn swallowed the lump in his throat. "i'd like to know who i'm losing my virginity to."

louis choked on his spit. "losing your-" he looked up at the taller man and took a deep breath. "may i come in? zayn?"

"oh- o-of course."

louis walked into zayn's house and sat on his couch, taking off his shoes.

"would you like a cuppa?" zayn offered, heading towards the kitchen.

"that would be lovely, thank you."

so louis and zayn spent the day together, drinking tea together and talking about their lives in a polite manner, and it was all quite pleasant until zayn asked him a certain question that he had been avoiding for the longest time.

"so louis, do you have a boyfriend?" zayn scratched the back of his neck nervously and smiled.

"i-" louis took a deep breath. what should he say? that yes, he does, but cheats on him every night? "it's, erm, it's complicated."

"oh..." zayn breathed. "okay."

the two sat in silence for a few heartbeats, as neither knew what to say.

"well, it's already, what, two o' clock, so should we get to it then?" louis offered, placing a hand on zayn's shoulder. (it was actually already 3:30) (louis had forgotten a watch that morning).

"i- guess...so." zayn covered louis hand with his own.

louis leaned over the pillow that separated them.

"i'll be gentle, don't worry babe," he whispered.

they spent the a few minutes kissing heatedly, until louis muttered, "bed, zayn. now."


"are you ready, darling?" louis purred, beginning to unzip zayn's jeans.

zayn moaned at the nickname, biting his lip and letting out a muffled, "mmm-hm..."

"flip over. ass in the air, not too high." louis commanded, his erection throbbing painfully, although his jeans and briefs were on the floor.

zayn got on his knees in front of him, his face resting against the sheets.

"we're gonna stretch you first so it won't hurt."

louis was about to slip a finger in, when he remembered the most crucial part of sex with a virgin.

"babe, do you have lube?"

"shit." zayn replied.

"i'm gonna take that as a no..." louis furrowed his eyebrows. "this is gonna hurt a little more than it should."

zayn groaned. "shit, lou, i'm scared."

louis kissed his hip bone. "you'll be okay."


turns out, zayn was not okay. he bled all over the sheets while louis panicked, not knowing what to do except call the ambulance.

while louis walked home that day, he couldn't stop thinking about his good fuck by noon.


wonderful ending right?


we'll see more of zayn later on in the book *wink wink*

except, i really don't know where this story is going tbh.

all i know is how it's going to end, so...

okay that's all for this author's note lol

vote, comment, fan! :)


(ps, i'll try and update later today to give you all a double update bc of my shitty chapters !!) xx

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