Chapter Sixteen

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Get me to 280 votes and I'll give you new chapter :3 

And sorry I took a little long...I'm not good at updating during school breaks..DX

Jason ->

Chapter Sixteen

Teddy's father's house is pretty large, probably the biggest house in the Community. It is a miracle I haven't seen it before; then again, it's on the other side of town.

The building is modern, with two floors and a basement. The outside has a fresh coat of white paint and the shudders are green. Their porch is wide and has a hanging swing. It looks like the stereotypical American Dream house, except it doesn't have a picket fence.

Teddy and I have taken his motorized scooter here, a cute little neon green thing. He parks it in the drive way and we hop off.

"TEDDY!" A little blonde girl runs out of the house, leaving the front door open and bolting for Teddy. He picks her up, swinging her around in circles while she giggles and clings to him.

"Hey, Liz," he hugs her close. I feel a bit awkward just standing there shuffling my feet.

"Liz, let me introduce you to Brian," Teddy has her turned towards me. I give a small wave as she stands there, grinning, arms still around my boyfriend.

"Hi, Liz," I say.

"Elizabeth!" A man that I can only assume is Teddy's father steps out onto the porch. He is my height, with blonde hair that is streaked with gray. From here, his eyes appear dark and piercing. His posture screams of condescension and authority. "Bring your brother and his friend inside."

He walks back in the door.

"He's actually on his best behavior right now," Teddy sighs as Liz runs off behind her father.

"It's so...sterile in here," I notice as I look around. "Like it's not lived in at all."

"Irene, Liz's mother, has a touch of OCD. My mother had trinkets all over this house, with mismatched curtains and rugs that covered up stains that I made when I was four. This was my home. And now she's ripped up the carpet, replaced it with wood flooring. The walls are a pristine white, and the curtains are all a 'lovely salmon' shade. Everything has a place here," he finishes quietly, "except for me."


The dinner was decent, and Liz got some new presents. Irene gave her a make up set, her dad got her a "Sherlock Holmes" book set (she scrunched up her nose at that one), and Teddy and I give her some notebooks.

"I don't want you to ever fear expressing yourself," Teddy explains. "On these pages, you can create worlds and fantasies all your own, whether it be in stories or drawings. Creativity helps you discover the real you. It challenges you to think differently; here's your chance to discover who Elizabeth is."

"I am Elizabeth," the eight-year-old says, confused.

"I mean...what makes up Elizabeth. What kind of person you are."

"Oh," she says. "That sounds tough...what if people don't like what makes up me?"

Teddy looks at his dad out of the corner of his eye. "Then screw them, because I think you're fabulous."

"Thank you, Teddy," her dad cuts in. "That will be quite enough of your liberal agenda for one night."

"Liberal! They're just human!" Teddy snaps. Liz looks scared.

"Liz, how about you go show your Mom your presents,"  I say quietly, indicating where Irene is doing dishes in the kitchen. She nods, and runs into the other room.

"You don't come into my house and preach to my daughter!" Mr. Raeb glares.

"I wasn't preaching!"

"Don't you argue with me, boy!"

"I'm a fucking grown man!" Teddy yells.

"No, you're FUCKING A GROWN MAN, you disappointing piece of shit!"

I can't even react, I am so shocked. I see Liz in the doorway, crying.

"I'd rather be a piece of shit than you!"

"You go against the Bible!"

"Where in the Bible does it say 'Teddy can't love whomever he wants to'?" Teddy snaps.

"It says a man shall not lay with another man-"

"That was talking about fucking pedophiles, you ignorant ass!" Teddy slams his hand on the table. "Look at you, Mr. Know-It-All! You give a bad rep to Christians everywhere!"

"You're going to burn in hell, and so is your fuck buddy!"

"Leave Brian out of this!"

"Fine, but Lucifer won't!"

"Cool, bro, but let's leave that to him," I say, putting my hand on the small of Teddy's back. He is panting. "Wasn't there something in the Bible that says only God can judge us?"

"Shut up, queer," he all but snarls.

"Aren't you articulate," I scoff. "And while we're at it, isn't there something in the Bible about adulterers and stoning women who have children out of wedlock?"

The look of pure fury on his face is worth it.

What isn't worth it is Liz's crushed face and Irene's embarrassment.

"Apologize to Teddy's mother, NOW," Mr. Raeb hisses.

"She isn't my mother. After finding out how you BETRAYED my mother, how you ABANDONED us, you honestly think I would just run to her screaming, 'Oh, Mummy, I love you!'?" Teddy says pompously." Bull shit. Liz, I love you. This isn't your fault and I'm sorry. Call me if you need me."

"No, she won't," his dad says. "I hope you get HIV. That way I won't have to deal with having such an embarrassment."

Teddy hides his hurt well, but I still see it. As we're riding the scooter back home, I feel his tears as they fly back off of his cheeks.

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