Chapter Five

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So I had to update this story sooner because the next two chapters are already done...We write fast...

Anyways next chapter will be up as soon as this one gets 10 votes (also I'd like chapter 2 to get 2 more votes). 

So yeah! 

Also anyone who comments gets a dedication. It'll go in order of who comments first! 


Chapter Five

I've never felt more rested than when I wake the next morning with Teddy in my arms. His petite chest slowly rises then falls in an evenly pattern. Right now he looks so fragile, I could easily overpower him and he wouldn't have a chance to get away.

The thought of dominating Teddy races through my head, sending a shiver down my spine. My eyes fall to those pink lips that I learn yesterday weren't as innocent as they first appeared. 

Sitting up (somehow I managed to fall over during the 'night'), I clear my head. I can't be thinking things like that about him. Not because we're both male, that doesn't bother me, not at all. But he has a boyfriend and I may not like Jason but for Teddy's sake I'm going to ignore these strange, new feelings.

…Or at least not act upon them.

"You should take a shower." A soft voice breaks the silence in the room.

I panic before asking, "Do I smell bad?!" It's not like I'm not keeping myself clean, I do! Very clean!

Teddy chuckles and joins me in sitting- his legs sprawled across my lap. "Nah, but I want to see you wet."

I feel the blood rush to my cheeks. "You want to see me...wet?" I squeak shocked by how casually he said this.

Why does he have to say things like that? It makes it so much harder to hold myself back.

Teddy smirks. "I'm kidding, kinda, but you smell like hand sanitizer and alcohol. I have nice smelling shampoo! And body wash!" He tells me excitedly.

Knowing he wouldn't give up, I give in and nod. "Wait do you have running water?" Of course he has running water! He has a washing machine! But if he has that what other electronics does he have?

"Well no duh, how else do you take a shower?" He pauses and the look of remembrance strikes his eyes. "Oh yeah."

I smile sheepishly. "It's hard taking showers with no running water."

“Well you can take one now!”

I nod, grinning. “I guess I can.”

After my extremely long and much needed shower, I dry off and put back on my old pants, along with my freshly washed tee shirt, and a pair of Teddy's boxers. It's nice to feel completely clean for the first time in a while.

Running a hand through my sopping wet hair, I leave the bathroom in search of my friend. "Teddy?" I call out into the house. Hearing no reply I frown.

Where could he have gone? He won't be gone for long right? What do I do here without him?!

I realizing I'm almost hyperventilating and sit down in the hall with my head on my knees. "He'll be back, he has to be back." What if all of this was just fake? What if I really am alone?


Teddy is real, I felt how warm he is, I touched his soft skin, smelt his sweet sent. He'll be back in a bit. He wouldn't leave me too long.

Shakily, I stand back up and move over to the couch. It smells just like Teddy so that helps calm me down a bit. I hug a pillow to my chest and wait for him to return to me.

I wait...

...and wait.

I don't move an inch even when my stomach starts begging me for food.

Finally after what feels like hours of waiting he returns, plopping on the couch next to me.

"How was your day?" He asks, as if nothing happened.

"Where were you?!"

See Brian it wasn't all a dream. Teddy is real. He's here.

He crinkles up his face making what the most adorable expression I've ever gotten the chance to see. "Didn't you read the note I left you? In the kitchen?"

I shake my head no.

"What have you been doing all day then?!" He frowns, standing up. "Hold on I'll show you the note."

My eyes follow him as he makes the short walk to the kitchen. "I sat here and waited." I tell him once he returns with the slip of paper. "I thought you forgot about me or something.”

"Oh no, Brian! I couldn't forget you!" He places the sheet of torn out loose leaf on my lap.

I scan over the note admiring Teddy's almost perfect penmanship; it seems as if he practiced writing every day. Everything about him seems so perfect, and it scares me.

"You have a job?" I mutter, once finished. "Job?!"

"Well yeah!" He laughs, curling up to me like this morning. "It's no fun, but you do what you have to." Suddenly the urge to have a job of my own arises. I want to work so Teddy can stay home and paint. He deserves that, and I want to be the one giving it to him.

"What do you do?" I ask, curiosity getting the better of me. "Why do you work? The last time I checked there was nothing to do really."

"Nothing to do?!" He gasps, throwing himself on me, dramatically. “There are tons of things to do!”

I would have chuckled at this sudden outburst if his leg hadn't landed a certain part of my body. I groan softly as his knee digs into my, eh, lower area. Teddy flushes and quickly gets up off me.

 "Oh shit! Brian I didn't mean to knee you there! Hold on I'll get ice!" Quickly he runs back to the kitchen as I bite down on my lip, trying to hide my moans of pain.

He returns with a towel full of something. "Move your hands! Hurry we gotta save your dick!" Blushing, I do as Teddy says and he sets the towel on my lap. "It's full of ice! That should help! I'm so sorry!"

I smile painfully at him, showing him that I wasn't mad or upset. How could I ever be? Could anybody be upset at someone that cute?

Leaning back, I cuddle into the couch already feeling better. "Thank you." I breathe, closing my eyes. Teddy slowly sits down, not touching me at all. I sigh. "Teddy, I'm fine."

"Okay," he mumbles softly. We sit in silence, not moving an inch.

Finally I get fed up and pull him back to my side; however my arm somehow stay glued to his back because I can't seem to move it. Or at least that’s my story if anyone asks. Not my fault it just feels right holding him like this.

“You look funny with that bag on your crotch.” He points out, sounding as innocent as he looks.

I smile. “I know.”

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