Chapter Fourteen

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Since we got 15 votes so fast I'm going back to 20. I wouldn't but we need more time to write new chapters.... 

Brian ->

Chapter Fourteen 

The date has been going fabulously. It seems to be everything Teddy imagined, and for that I am grateful.

We lay back, looking up at the dull sky. He sighs, a bit sad. I can tell by the way his mouth pulls down slightly at the corners and his eyebrows pull together.

I reach under the blanket, and I press a button. Above us, in the trees, lights begin to appear. I have strung up hundreds of Christmas lights throughout the branches.

He gasps, looking at the star-substitutes.

"Brian...did you...?"

"Anything you can imagine," I murmur, turning to look at him.

"I love you," he leans over, kissing me.

"I love you too," I smile around his lips. He is soft and warm and smells like home.

He lays on my chest, hands running through my hair. I shiver as his nails scratch my scalp. My arms wrap around his narrow waist, feeling how we breathe in sync.

It is intimate, and a treasured moment.

But I also love that he is as male as I am, because, although we enjoy the romance and intimacy, we also accept that physical contact is going to lead to us getting worked up. We don't just accept it, we revel in it.

His hands begin to unbutton the dress shirt I am wearing. I pull back a little.

"Out in the open?"

"This is more private than the closet."




"Shut the fuck up," he grins as he watches me get aroused by he use of force in his voice.

Our mouths are suddenly glued together, and my hands go to clutch at his ass where I hold him tight to me, crotch to crotch.

Something starts vibrating in his pocket, sending a jolt through me.

"Fuck!" he curses, this time with actual agitation. "Hello?" He snaps into the phone. His face pales.

"What?" I ask.

"I'm a bit busy now, Dad."

My eyes widen.

"I don't care about...yes, I understand what day it is...don't guilt trip me, that's bull shit!...You don't need to know what I'm doing...Dad, will you...shut up! ...Of course I'm not on drugs, mom would never allow it...I'm with my fucking boyfriend, that's what's going on!...That shut you up didn't it? We'll be there tomorrow night...Yes, I am bringing him. No, it's a different one...don't start this now...I'M HANGING UP!"

"Are you okay?" I ask after he throws the phone to the other side of the blanket.

"It's my half-sister's birthday tomorrow night and we are invited to dinner," he looks up at me with anger still blazing in his eyes. "Elizabeth deserves better than our piece-of-shit father."

"I'm sorry," I say. I am a bit nervous at dealing with Teddy's father.

"He's homophobic by the way," he growls. I feel my face twist as I realize what Teddy must have gone through.

"Can I help at all?" I ask.

He eyes me quietly.

"Just spit it out, Teddy."

"Can I do something with you that I never did with Jason?" he asks hesitantly. I nod; he can do whatever he wants with me, without question.

"Can inside you? Just for tonight?"

"Anything you want," I promise. The thought of being entered is both arousing and terrifying.

"Thank you," he kisses me, picking up where we left off, but with more urgency.

He says he will prepare me thoroughly, and I'm glad I came prepared I'm too tight at first, and it takes a bit to relax. Once I do, I find the sensation of his fingers inside me a bit disconcerting, but I think I am ready eventually. He easily slides the protection on, slicking us both up before he rests at my enterance.

"You ready?" He makes eye contact with me. "If you're not, you can back out at any time. I will stop," he promises.

"I...I'm okay; you can do it."

He breeches be slowly, and the pain is a bit overwhelming.

"Stop!" I yell when he is only mid-way in. I'm sweaty, my skin flushed and burning. He is stilled inside me. He starts to pull out. "No! Don't move! Just...stay there for a minute...please."

He face is tight, holding back, but I can see how incredible this must feel to him.

"I'm sorry," he kisses my forehead.

I whimper because that movement made him shift. I steel my expression, though, and decide I will do whatever I can to make this good for Teddy.

"Move," I growl, even though I'm sore and scared. He doesn't wait another moment before thrusting all the way in. We both let out groans, for different reasons, but you can't really tell the difference right now.

"Mmm...fuck you're tight," he shudders, moving more. His thrusts are slow at first, allowing me to grow accustomed to his size, but soon he is losing control moving faster. He is kissing me, and I allow myself to be lost in that rather than in the spreading and burning I feel, the durable pain. I don't particularly enjoy being filled, but I am comforted by the fact that it is my Teddy inside me.

He lets out a raged cry against my lips, shuddering as he comes inside me. He lays against my chest, shaking with the aftershocks.

He looks back at me, blue eyes hazy. He looks down.

"You didn't-"

"Teddy, it's fine."

"You're soft, and you didn't come," he frowns. "You didn't enjoy that."

"It was fine," I say. I realize that is about the worst thing I can say when he pulls out, cleans himself off, and puts his clothes back on.


"I just want to go home," he tenses.

"Teddy, we can practice more. I'm just new to this. From what I heard, first times on the receiving end are never comfortable."

"It's okay, Brian."

"No, Teddy, listen!"

"Why am I not good enough, can you tell me that, Brian? I could handle my dad, but not being enough for YOU-"

"You ARE enough!"

"Then why didn't you come?!"

"It was YOUR night, not mine. It was my gift to you!"

He and I are watching each other intensely.

"Well...thank you," he mumbles.

"You're welcome."

"Really. Thank you."

"I love you. I would do anything for you."

He looks at my naked body.

"I'll make it up to you when we go home."




"I love you too."

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