Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine


"Brian!" A panicked voice calls out to me. "Brian wakes up! Please you have to get up!"

Groaning, I swat at the two hands shaking me. "Go away." I mumble into my pillow. "Tired."

"Brian!" Teddy hits me hard on the back. "Fucking get up now!"


Slowly I turn onto my back; my eyes meet his two blue ones. They're full of guilt. I begin to worry about what was coming next.

"Brian, Jason will be home any second! You have to get out of here!" He tries pushing me off the bed but I don't move.

Is it sick that I want Jason to come in here and catch us both naked? But then I hear a soft whimper come for Teddy as he tries his hardest to push me off. He still loves Jason and if I really love him, I'll do anything to make him happy.

Slowly I sit up and make my way back to the bathroom. "Thank you Teddy." I whisper before closing the door.

Thank you for showing me that I could be loved.

"How was work?" Teddy smiles lovingly at Jason. He's been much more... attached to that guy since this afternoon when he came home.

"It was the same old, why is he still here? I thought you said he was just going to stay here last night. So?" Jason pretends like I'm not sitting right across from him at the table.

Teddy glances at me, clearly upset. I know he doesn't want to hurt me, but he doesn't want to hurt Jason either.

I had to go and fall for someone with a boyfriend.

"Look, I'll just go. I know you don't want me here. Thanks for letting me stay the night." I stand up pushing my chair away from the table. "And sorry for the other night Jason. I didn't mean to." It's times like this when I wish I could be the bad guy. I want to tell Jason how nice it felt fucking his boyfriend.

But I won't.

"Brian, no don't." Teddy tries to stop me.

"I'll see you around okay." Are the last words I say before leaving the house.

"You really like him, don't you?" I freeze at the soft voice. When I look over towards it I spot Polly, he long blonde hair is tied into two braids on either side of her head. She’s much prettier than I once thought. Then again I’ve seen her maybe twice in the last month and with all that’s been going on, I’m almost forgot about her.

She eyes the spot next to me on the crumbling stairs. I nod her over, making room next to me. She sits with our shoulders touching.

 I wonder how she found me out here. I came to this place because I knew no one would find me, yet here she is. I never expected a girl like her to be wandering around at ‘night’.

“I do.” I mutter softly, the blood rushing to my cheeks. It’s one thing admitting it to Teddy, but telling someone else is a feeling entirely different. “I love him.”

Polly seems to stiffen up at my words. “You’re all he ever talks about at work.”

My heart skips a beat. “He does?” A while back Teddy finally told me where he worked, the power company. It seems so un-Teddy like, however when there are only a handful of people left on earth you really don’t get a choice on what you do.

Polly nods, staring off into the distance. “So much it’s actually beginning to make me, jealous.” 

I crinkle my forehead in confusion.

Polly likes Teddy too? But he’s gay! He doesn’t even swing that way!

I feel a light touch to my knee; my eyes quickly fall to Polly's hand, following it as it moves slowly up my thigh.

Suddenly it becomes clear. She's jealous of Teddy.

"I can give you what he can't." She purrs seductively.

I feel my body wanting to give into temptation, my eyes even begin flutter close. "Really?" I whisper huskily and her fingers trail across the front of my now too tight jeans.

"You don't have to hide with me," she pulls down my zipper, "and I can make you feel better than you did with him."

"H-he told you about that?" I stutter. "What did he say?"

It's only been two days since Teddy and I, you know, and he's already told? What if Jason were to hear?!

Polly moves in front of me, getting on her knees. "He said you were you best he's ever had."

I allow her to unbutton my pants and pull them down a bit. I don't stop her when her thumbs slip into by boxers, pulling them down as if she done this a hundred times before.

This is wrong.

“P-Polly,” I bite down on my lip as she brings her head closer to my lap. I don’t want her doing this, yet I do nothing to stop her.

She leans in further taking me into her mouth. I shudder at the strange new feeling. It feels wonderful. I imagine Teddy is the one making me moan as he flicks his tongue across my tip. I feel bad for using Polly, but in the end isn’t this what we both want? She gets me, and I ‘get’ Teddy.

She takes me further into her mouth, making another soft moan escape my lips. Only this time it doesn’t come out randomly, it comes as a name. Polly quickly pulls away, disgust written all over her face.

“You bastard!” She hisses. “Don’t you realize you two will never be something? I try making you forget, but no. Well guess what, I don’t even want you. This was all his idea.”

“What?” My heart begins pounding hard in my chest. “All who’s idea?”  She can’t mean Teddy. He wouldn’t want anyone else doing that to me. Would he?”

Polly smooths out her shirt then wipes the corners of her small pink lips. “You know exactly who I’m talking about. Teddy doesn’t want you Brian! Get that through your head.” And with these last harsh words, Polly storms off.

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