Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

I stare in the mirror at myself, taking in every single inch of skin. A porcelain figure stares back at me.

When did I become so pale? Why is everyone else a healthy color while I’m, well, sickly pale one?

Jason, he’s so tan. I believe at night he sneaks out and goes tanning. Strange but it’s the only way I can see it happening.

But being pale isn't the only difference between them and me. Their eyes remained normal- blue, green, brown- and mine faded to a soft amber color. I never realized how important the sun was until it was taken away from me.

“Brian, you in there?” Teddy knocks. My heart begins to race as I quickly cover my lower half with a towel.

“Yeah I am!” I reply, slight panic in my tone.

I hear a soft sigh come from the other side of the door, a sigh that could mean only one thing. Teddy had something to tell me and it’s not going to be good.

“Well can I come in?” He asks softly, scaring me a little. Normally he’d just barge in on me,  make some cute joke about how I should wear less clothing more often, tease me a bit, then get to the point. I always keep the door unlocked in hopes of that happening.

Biting my lip I nod, then blush in embarrassment when I realize he can’t see me. “Yeah! Of course.” My voice breaks halfway through, turning my cheeks an ever deeper shade of red.

I try calming myself down before Teddy gets in, but I realize my attempt is pointless when he walks in with his head down. Something really bad must have happened, or is going to at least.

“What’s up?” I shiver at the cool burst of air that entered the room with Teddy. It whips across my bare, still wet chest leaving an unpleasant chill over my whole body.

I catch Teddy staring for a second before he quickly looks back down. “I just wanted to tell you, Jason found out about you sleeping with me at night and he’s really pissed.”

I groan. “Dammit! Teddy what? How?”

Jason’s sure going to beat me up this time, and he’ll do it when Teddy is working so no one will be here to stop him. Even if I did know a little about fighting, I’d be no match for Jason’s impressive muscles. I’m not muscular, or even fast for that matter.

“He’s going to kill me. I am going to die.” I whimper at the thought. “Teddy I don’t want to die a virgin! Hell I've never even made out with anyone!”

He frowns. “Brian, Jason isn’t going to kill you. Calm down.”

I try to take in his comforting words but we both know this isn’t going to end well.

“How did this even happen?” I question. “It’s not like I walk around town telling everyone you and I have this thing with you where we sleep together!” I run a shaky hand through my hair- which is beginning to grow past my neck-

Teddy nervously plays with his small hands, the ones I craved to hold. "It may have slipped out."

"Fuck, Teddy how?" This being the first time I cussed at him. He sinks over, looking extremely upset. "No Teddy, I didn't mean to

I'm just upset okay. Not at you, not at all."

I notice small tears building in his eyes. My heart begins to ache. This is the first time I've seen Teddy cry and it's something I hope never happens again.

If he were with me, instead of Jason, I'd make him so happy he'd never even frown again. If only he'd let me.

I pull Teddy into a hug, going to kiss his head- a habit I've fallen into and can't seem to get out- only when I try he wiggles free of my grip and smooth’s out his shirt.

"Teddy!" I pout, trying to bring him back into my arms, he rejects me once again.

"Just stop." He hisses. "Stop touching me! STOP EVERYTHING!"

I'm taken back at his angered tone. Teddy has never been anything but nice, and now suddenly he's going to get mad at something I do all the time?

"Teddy?" I reach up to wipe a stray tear from his red cheek. He swats my hand away.

"Please Brian; do you know how hard this is?" He whimpers softly. "Did you ever stop to think about what you do does to me?"

Confused, shake my head. "What are you saying?" Earlier today we were just fine. What did Jason say to mess everything up?

"Put some clothes on, I can't talk to you like this." Dismissing himself, Teddy leaves the bathroom, softly closing the door.

I pull on my pair of clean clothes- I had to get a few more now that I'm around people- then run to find Teddy. When I finally do, I sit across from him at the circular kitchen table.

"Hi." I smile, trying to lighten the mood.

"I'm moving in with him."

My smile fades. "What?"

Teddy's head is down. "Jason asked me to move in with him again, I said yes." Teddy is going to make me come live with Jason? Does he know how stupid that is? We hate each other!

"Teddy I can't move in with you and Jason! I can't watch him touch and kiss you every day! Do you know-"

"You're not coming with me Brian." He cuts in.

My heart begins to ache.

"You mean you're leaving me?!" I jump out of my seat and begin shaking. "Teddy no! Please god no!"

"I can't stay here with you forever Brian. It was going to happen one day. You know it would have." He's crying again. "I-I can still see you! We just won't live together!" Although he's trying his best to make this all seem okay, I ignore it.

"I need you Teddy! Don't you see?! I need you so bad." Falling onto my knees, I take his hand in mine and latch my eyes to his. "Please! We can be happy together Teddy!"

Slowly he pulls his hand away. "I know." he whispers so soft I can hardly hear it. "But Jason's my boyfriend I can't just leave him."


"Because I love him!" Teddy says quickly. I can't help but to feel like that was a lie, or at least not 100% truthful. "Look I'm not going to run away with you Brian. I'm not ever going to leave Jason; you just have to get that through your head!"

"Fine." I stand up taking a big breath. I know I'm about to regret this but if I can stay with Teddy then it has to be done. "I'm leaving."

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