Chapter Eight

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This chapter contains the butt sex. If you would enjoy skipping said activity just don't read the end. Heh.

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Chapter Eight

I don't enjoy the rain. I never did before the sun disappeared behind the clouds, and I don't now that I am alone again.

Do you remember when I commented on hope? About how the emotion would destroy me in the way no depression could? Perhaps I am too self-aware for my own good. I have been back on my own for three days already. The silence is more crushing than ever. My heart is broken in a way I never thought possible.

Love. What IS love? Love is a mere word. A word holds no weight. Then again, words are meant to symbolize something. The emotion behind love is what is so crushing, the chemical reactions and personal attachments all-consuming. In these past days, I have felt something akin to what I experienced when I was on the brink of death, in the beginning, when people first disappeared. You would think being alone again wouldn't be so hard; after all, I had only spent around a month at the Community. At least, this is what I would think if I were you.

I miss Teddy like a limb that has been torn from my body, blown away in an explosion on some foreign soil. I am bleeding, gasping, lungs burning, nose running, eyes stinging.

I stumble around. I find a liquor store. I use a stray chair that was resting outside a café and throw it, breaking the glass. I slip in; find a bottle of a deep amber color, labeled whiskey. I grin, thinking of how mean it used to make my parents when they would drink it...

"Come here, little shit!" Mother would spit, grabbing me, breaking skin on my arms with her nails.

"Good for nothing!" Dad would hit me. Hit me over and over and over....

This was before CPS stepped in, putting me into foster care. That's where I stayed until everyone disappeared.

Right now, I would take the beatings to this emotional bull shit.

I open the bottle after struggling with it for a minute. I take my first sip a bit hesitantly, flinching as it makes its burning way down my throat. I cough for a good minute. After this initial response, I drink it as fast as I can without puking.

My head is cloudy, the world a bit tilted. I stumble- Who put the ground there?- and before I know it, I am back in the Community. The rain is coming down even harder than before. Thunder accompanies it, and the lightning flashes make everything even more disorienting.

I am outside Jason and Teddy's house. So much anger, it's over taking me.

I look at Jason's truck, just sitting out there in the driveway. It is big and red and I hate it. I hate him. I want to...I want to...

I finish off the bottle and throw it at the car, breaking the windshield. The alarm goes off. I don't think that I have limited time. I just take a shovel leaning against the side of the house and begin to beat the shit out of the object that represents what destroyed my life, what semblance of a life I had begun to recreate.

The door is dented in multiple areas, along with the hood. I finish breaking the windows before a freight train hits me.

Except it isn't a freight train. It is a very pissed off Jason. He had the element of surprise so I am the one pinned to the ground. But I am drunk, I am furious.

Before he can say anything, I head butt his nose. A sickening crunch sound is heard before blood flows on my face. I kick his gut, getting enough leverage to roll him over. Before he can recover, I am pummeling him with my fists, all those years of watching my father abuse me and pent up anger giving me a style wholly my own.

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