"Bye, beautiful!"

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//y'all hoes should read my other story "hey you okay?" Cuz I'm such a good writer like I got a 100 on my narrative and my argumentative essays get like me like Wattpad just trained me and now I pass writing with 100s everytime//

'No, Autumn. You can't think that. He's some random dude you just met.' I think.

I'm staring at the ceiling with my mouth slightly open, it's my thinking face.

I was thinking about the encounter I had this morning.

"Hey, auttie? You alright? Or are you thinking about your little emo boy?" Blaire jokes, putting the blender back in place.

I wiggle my head, snapping out of the gaze I have for this Evan guy.

"Yeah, just zoned out. And no I'm not thinking about t22 or whatever his name was." I say, brushing off her remarks.

But, deep down, I was hoping Friday would come faster.

I see a car pull into the driveway, I hit play on my music.


After a long 5 hours of work, I pack up my bag and say bye to blaire.

"Bye, Auttie, love you!" She says, waving goodbye as I walk out the door.

I wave back and flop down in my car.

I rummage through my bag for my phone.

I rush to click the text app, my fingers shaking.

"Hey! My shifts over, you said you wanted to call?" I type the the words slowly, each character makes me more nervous.

I build up the courage to hit send, the blue bubble slides onto the screen.

My heart drops the second I hit send.

My hands fly to cover my mouth.

"Read 11:57am"


"Hey! Whenever you get home we can call, text, whatever you want. Just lmk"

The gray text bubble floats onto my screen and I read the words on it.

My hands slowly move down from my face, a soft smile appears on my face.

I hit the music app on my phone to play some more of his music.

I scroll for a minute to find one that looks interesting.

"Step over a body," I say. "That one looks good."

The music starts to play through the speaker in my car.

Skip over the chalk outline

I turn the key, the car rumbles as the engine starts.

At least you made it alive

I drive out of the parking spot my car was sat in.

Cut off any extra weight,

As I'm pulling out of the parking spot, I almost hit a pole.

You never can be too safe.

"Oopsie!" I say, giggling.

Amputate the friends that suck your blood and leave you dry, yeah

A permanent smile beams on my face the whole ride home.

Cant give away your love to those who wanna see you die, yeah

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