"6pm, tonight"

43 4 7

//guys I have a show for theater Sunday and yk these lines are not memorized and IM A LEAD. IM SO SCARED//

//thank you so much for 100 reads this is the most I've ever had I love y'all🖤//

"What did you just say?" Evan says, he flips his phone face down.

He looks surprised, but there's a glow in his eyes.

I can't lie to him now, he knew what I said.

"I said I like you, Evan." I say, we lock eyes.

"I think you're just out of it, we'll talk when you're not about to pass out." He says, he smiles and strokes my hair again.

He didn't seem mad, he didn't seem like he wanted me out of his house.

I lay my head back on his lap.

I hear someone walk in the door, I guess it's cam.

"I'll be back, Autty." Evan says, he pats my arm and I lift my head.

"I got you this and your little girlfriend this." Cam says, he tussles with the bag.

"She is not my girlfriend, Cam!" Evan says, I hear him hit cam.

I'm sure he meant it lovingly.

I wish I was Evans girlfriend.

I mean just think, the outfits I would wear, the love he would give me, the dates we'd go on.

I don't even know why I told him, Evan would never like me.

Evan deserves a girl whose small, who isn't 120 lbs.

He deserves someone who can eat normally and knows what to do with their life.

A girl whose mentally stable.

I sigh, Evan never wants to speak to me again.

He probably hates me.

"Hey, here's your food." Evan says and sets the To-go box on the coffee table infront of me.

"Oh, you didn't have to." I say, sitting up.

"I want to." He says, he sits next to me and rubs my leg as I shake.

I don't want to eat, but I don't wanna be rude.

It's just a bowl of Mac and cheese, and a thing of chips.

I sigh as I open the lid.

"Hey, you okay?" Evan asks, "you need to eat."

"I know, I know." I say.

I look at the food, my stomach churns.

I just wish it would go away.

I wish I could eat like a normal person.

I open the lid to the mac and cheese and stick the fork in it.

I pick up the fork with the food on it, I stick it into my mouth.

I wanna gag, it tastes good, but I don't want to eat.

I'm hungry, but I'm not?

I chew slowly and eventually swallow.

The bites get easier to stomach as I eat more.

I finish the bowl of food I have, "I have some money in my purse if you-" I say but Evan interrupts me.

"No, it's fine. I'm happy to." He says.

He smiles at me, "me and cam have to go deal with some stuff at the studio, you can stay here. Just don't trash the place." He rubs my leg and gets up.

"I'll meet you in the car!" Cam yells to Evan.

"K, one sec!" Evan yells as cam leaves, out the door.

Evan does something so unexpected once cam leaves.

He grabs his stuff and looks at me.

I'm sitting on the couch, he's standing infront of me.

He looks at me, "you're so pretty, Autumn."

"Oh, thank you." I say.

I tuck my hair behind my ear and look at my shoes.

"I'll probably be gone before you guys come back." I say, "blaire can come get me at 3."

A text goes off on my phone, it's blaire.

Hey, do you need me to pick you up? Kayla let me off early she closed early too idk what's wrong

Yes please

"Or right now." I say looking up from my phone.

"Oh okay," he says, "I hope you feel better."

"Thank you for taking care of me." I say.

I really do appreciate him.

Even if I think he hates me.

"Of course, anything for you." He takes his hand and lifts my chin to look at him.

He looks at me for a second, and then his lips meet mine.

It's like an electric shock is sent through my body.

My heart flies and flutters in my chest.

It's almost like I can see my heart through my chest.

My eyes open, wide.

I'm so shocked.

Why would he want to kiss me?

I don't even close my eyes.

'I think I'm gonna pee myself ' I think.

I just can't fathom this is happening.

He pulls away.

"Are you gonna write a song about me?" I say, jokingly.

"Depends on how tonight goes." He turns on his heels and walks out the door.

Just before he leaves he says

"6pm, tonight."

//I know I said they wouldn't kiss but like....I had a change in heart anyway it's so insane that I started this story bc I was making fun of these smutty fanfics abt him at 2am and now y'all are eating this up and so am I//

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