"I think i like you."

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// guys please go read hey you okay I literally put my whole heart into the story and it flopped so hard omg//

My body feels all warm, but I still feel sick.

I here someone enter the door, "Where is she?" They say.

I'm assuming it's Kayla, I hear her walk towards me.

"Who are you?" She asks, I'm guessing to Evan.

"Oh I'm Evan, I'm Autumn's friend."

Now, I wish Evan would've said something like "I'm her future boyfriend." But he didn't.

"Can you step to the side so I can see her?" Evans hand slides and let's go of the hold he had on me.

"Hey, Autumn," Kayla says, her hand shakes me slightly, "can you sit up hun?"

I sit up, slowly.

I groan and slouch against the wall.

Kayla gasps, "Hun, you're pale."

Evan looks at me from a distance, he looks scared.

"Can I just take her home?" He says suddenly, "C'mon, she's practically green! She's clearly sick."

"I guess I can cover your shift today," she says after examining me for a few more seconds. "Is it okay if this man takes you home?"

I nod and start to stand, but I fall and trickle back down.

"Hey there." Evan says, he rushes to help me up.

Kayla starts whispering to Blaire.

I hear Blaire say something like "I don't know, I'm worried about her."

Evan guides me to his car with his arm around me.

For those few moments, all my worried about him go away.

Maybe he does really care about me.

All those thoughts from last night go away as Evan holds my hand the whole car ride home.

He looks over at me occasionally, his leg is bouncing.

I stare blankly at him the whole ride.

Not really at him, Past him.

I kinda just stared at his leg the whole time.

"Hey, Autumn, we're here." He says, he rubs my leg gently to notify me.

He tried to guide me in his house.

"Girl, come here." He says after it takes me more than 2 minutes to stand up straight.

I suddenly feel his arm hit the back of my knees, I'm swept off the ground and into his arms.

I surprised, but my head hurts too much to yell.

I just close my eyes, hoping I'm not too fat or heavy.

He somehow brings me up the stairs and into his room.

Well, I'm assuming it's his room but realistically, it's probably a guest bedroom.

I hope it's a guest room...

He plops me down and sighs.

"Get some sleep, Autumn." He says when he pulls my hair away from my face.

He sits beside me and puts my head on his lap.

He gets on his phone, one hand holding mine.

What seems like an hour later, a man with red and black hair enters the room.

It's not Evan, Evan is holding my hand right now.

This man's hair is more down, evans is to the side.

"Whose that?" The man says.

I immediately close my eyes when he walked in.

"This is autumn, the one from Starbucks I told you about." Evan reply's.

'He told his friend about me?' I think.

All of a sudden, I start to feel like I'm gonna throw up again.

"Evan?" I say sheepishly, Evan though I'm not tired.

"Yes?" He says.

"Where's your bathroom?" I ask him, sitting up.

He points to a white door at the other side of the room, "right there, do you need help?"

"I'm chilling." I reply, I stand and walk past the man in his room.

I stumble in front of the man, he puts his arms out to catch me.

"Im good." I say before almost falling again.

"No you're not, Autumn." Evan says and rushes to help me.

It requires less work to help me this time.

I don't throw up in the bathroom, I don't know what's happening.

I walk out of the bathroom and successfully make it back to the bed.

I curl up and say, "Evan, I don't know what's happening to me."

"It's gonna be okay." He says and rubs my hand.

"Cam, can you got get her a Tylenol and a water?" He says to the man.

I sit up and lie my head on his shoulder.

"Do you wanna try to go to the living room?" He asks, "I don't trust you actually." He picks me back up and carry's me downstairs.

Im guessing he didn't trust that I could make it down the stairs.

"Ugh," the man says, I guess his name is Cam. "Stop flirting infront of me."

"Where's my purse?" I ask as Evan sits me on the couch.

"In the car, I can go-" I interrupt him.

"No it's fine" I say.

"I have your phone." Evan says and reaches for it in his pocket.

He hands me my phone, i immediately text blaire.

Can you please go to my house and feed mayor? I didn't feed him yesterday or today and I feel so bad

Yeah I get off at 3

Thank you blaire🫶

Ofc, I love you

Love you too
Blaire liked your message

I feel much better now, well I'm still super sick for some reason.

But it's good to know my cat is taken care of.

Cam hands me and water bottle and a pill.

I take it as he says something, "I'm gonna go get some food, I'll bring you guys something back."

"Okay" Evan says.

My head is on evans shoulder, we're just on our phones.

I'm so out of it at this point.

I don't know what I was thinking when I said this.

So much was going through my head but still, the words came out.

"Evan," I said as he looked down at me.

"I think I like you."

//im sorry all my stories are sad lmao I literally can't write a happy story the main character has to have something wrong with them, maybe I need therapy but that's a story for a different day//

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