"You totally like him!"

45 1 7

//I'm literally pulling these chapters out of my ass I'm rushing to get ts out for y'all//

I sprint to my room.

I throw on a black, baggy shirt and some shorts.

I rush to my computer and set up my stream.

There's already people sitting in my chat, waiting.

I hit "start" on the twitch stream.


The viewer count goes to about 1,000.

"I have news, I have news." I say.

The chat fills with "TELL US" "SPILL" "WHATS THE TEA AUTUMN"

"OKAY OKAY SO, I work at Starbucks right." I say, I talk with my hands.

"And this morning my hair and my makeup was looking so good I was in a good mood and everything. And the second I open this really fine guy walks in the door." I cover my face with one hand and look away, putting my other hand up.

"HE WAS SO FINE CHAT!!" I yell, hitting my table.

"And I take his order, and, and AND, HE CALLS ME CUTE."

"BUT WAIT THERES MORE, he asks me for my number right, I give it to him, he's a punk rock artist." I smack the table in approval.

"MHM MHM MHMMMMN" I cover my mouth  and shake my head.

"We literally just talked on the phone for like an hour." I say, "chat, I think I'm love."

I start laughing, "WAIT WAIT NO, DONT CLIP THAT!"

"I'm gonna go on TikTok after stream and see "Autumn is in love" edits" I say.

A donation appears on my screen, a text has been put beside it.

"Don't be shy, Tell us his name autumnnn"  the text reads.

"Oh my gosh, okay. If I tell y'all his name yall have to promise y'all will shut your yappers." I say.

"Some of y'all I big mouthed" I repeat from a chatter in my stream.

I giggle, "okay, is name is Evan, and his artist name is TX2. His music is good, but it's not what I usually like."

I stream for another 2 hours.

"Okay chat, I think I'm done for today." I say, taking my hands off the keyboard.

People type things like "bye autumn!!" Or "BYE BOOKIE WELL MISS YOU"

"Sorry stream was short, I wanna talk to my pookie bear, Evan." I say, a memory comes to mind.

"OH WAIT CHAT, This Friday, I might not stream as long, Evan invited me to his concert."

"Oo get you one, autumn' get out." I giggle.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then." I wave and end the stream.

I sit back in my chair, my relationship with Evan is going by really fast.

I wish it would slow down.

Maybe it's a good thing.

I play "all my ghosts" by Lizzy mcalpine on my phone.

You got a slurpee for free,

I hear my phone ding,

I caught you looking at me

"Hey! You done with your stream?"

In the 7 11 under florescent lights

"Yep, just got done"

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