2 | train wreck

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You tensed when you saw him. His bright, orangish yellow hair, these warm, beautiful brown eyes. Those sharp, pointing teeth that hung open so handsomely behind alluring, smooth lips. That muscular form he had tucked away behind his clothes.

"Oh." He hummed when he saw you. He gazed at you with such careless eyes. "Tehe." He giggled, grinning ear to ear with a dirty smile, "Someone else got stuck here too, huh?"

Your teeth grit. You opened your mouth to shoot words of fire from your gut. "I--"
A strikingly loud call of thunder boomed across the skies, the Shockwave shaking the school. You wobbled, trembling into the classroom, the shaking shutting the door on its on as you wobbled into the room. Shivering, you walked on over, not close, but close enough to be lit by the light. "Wait! You're (y/n) (l/n)!" He barked like a fangirl.

Even now, as she sat down in front of him, you could feel his amused stare- and it only made you angrier.

You were (y/n) (l/n), and you were only (y/n) (l/n) because you worked hard to make yourself that. You were selective on who you kept close, you were selective on the classes you took, your boyfriend- your extra curriculars-- everything! And a guy like Denji, a pervert who charged girls to sit on him- could ruin it all!

He was free, and free people were unpredictable! It is the free people who got behind in life, and the free people who lose everything they love!

Thunder boomed across the sky, and you gasped, terrified of the sound. The sky grew almost completely black, and glimpses of a deep blue hue coated things softly.

"Don't be scared," His voice was soft, hushed, gentle. It was terrifying how your eyes were quick to find him for reassurance after such a tone. How you felt so lulled by an oddly sweet sound. "It's only a storm. It'll pass." He smiled.

You glanced away.

He shuffled close to you.

You tensed up.

"You could... Hug me if you get too scared... I'll protect you, (l/n)." He hushed.

Your heart jumped unsettling. Anger sprouted through every fiber of you.

Why. It was alluring. He was! Yet he was so dirty and disgusting. He was everything you weren't. He was everything you couldn't be. "Excuse you! You disgusting thing!" You shot up. And as soon as you did, the lights flickered on.

"Oh." You two hummed in unison as you glanced up at the ceiling.

"Oh good." You sighed, pawing away sweat on your forehead.

"Hey! Wait a second- I'm not disgusting." He harked, his eyebrows furrowing. "I never would've guessed you'd be so rude." He rolled his eyes childishly.

(Y/n) (L/n) was a friend to all.
A twitching smile glid up your face.

"I have a boyfriend." You stated.

But even you couldn't bring yourself to play nice.

"Ooh. Who?" He asked.

"Haruka Iseumi."

"Really?" He gasped genuinely. The boy stood up from the floor, finding a cozy seat at the teacher's desk.

"Why are you so surprised?" You asked.

"I dunno. I mean no disrespect, but he's boring. He sucks! He thinks he's Chainsawman. He's not, by the way, and he's a total fanboy. There's plenty of guys you could be with like-- er... What's that guy? Yoshi fart or something... That guy is better than Haruka Iseumi." He laughed.

An angry blush tinted your face, "Well I like him. He's my boyfriend." You said. You made your way to your seat, the one you always sat in and crossed your arms.

"So... What do you see in him?" He asked.

"He's! Uh... He'll keep me safe."

"Well, he's not here to do that, is he?" He said so matterfactly, so smug. He straight at me, kicking his shoes up on the desk.
You looked off at the window. The sky was blackened fully now. There was no telling how long this storm would go. How long you'll be stuck with him.

After a long bout of silence, you looked at him. He looked out of the window too, his ehebrkws furrowed ever so subtly, lips pressed. He looked concerned. Not about the rain, but something else, distant in his brown eyes.

"How did you get stuck in here?" You asked.

"Huh?" He turned. "Oh. Got stuck on cleaning duty for today when the power started shutting off."

"Oh. I left my purse."

He chuckled and looked right back at the window.

Everything went slient again.

That bothered you even more, as you stated at the ceiling.

This guy drooled over girls. Why wasn't he still trying to drool over you?

Did you want him to?

"How long do you think it'll last?" You whispered.

"Not too long, I hope." He whispered back.

You sunk into yourself, wrapping your damp arms around your body. You were hungry. It was going to get cold soon, too. The sudden sound of a chair shrieking across the floor brought your eyes up to Denji again. He got up and walked to the window, crossing his arms as he worriedly stared at it.

"What?" You sat up.

"Do you think they're evacuating everyone?" He asked.

"Maybe. It might be the hurricane devil."

"No... The hurricane devil isn't this powerful, nkt since his last death. The Federation of Taiwan's got it on a leash. This is a normal storm."

Your eyebrows quirked. "How do you know?"

"No spinning, baby."

He had a point.

"Got somewhere important to be, Denji?"
You said his name so softly, and it was almost unreal. He looked at you when you said it. His expression was gentle again. It was comfortable.

He looked away, scratching the back of his neck. "Well..." he sighed. "I've got this little sister I have to take care of. I hope she'll be alright at home."

"Oh no... I'm sure she'll be alright." You stood up from your seat, and he looked back at you again.

"You think so?" He said.

"If she's any related to you, she'll be just fine." You grinned.

"Hehehe." He snickered.

"How old is she?" You asked.

"Uhhh... She's in grade school." He said.

"Oh. That's nice." You said.

"Yeah. She's real smart. I know I'm not smart, so I've given up on the whole college thing. Yeah- But she's really really smart. I've been saving up to send her when she's ready. She'll be amazing." His tone had buttered over, and it caught every heart string you had and bundled them all up.

That's why he was selling cigarettes. That's why he was charging girls.

You ran your hands over your uniform, reaching out a pulling a few shoggy yen from your wallet.

"Hey." You called.

"Hm?" He hummed, turning to look at you.

You waved the money in his face. His eyes lit up. "I think I want to sit down." You said.

haruka's girlfriend | denji x reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now