23 | humanity

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The glamor that filled his eyes was impeccable. Denji stared down at (Y/n), his arm slung around her shoulders as they walked down the lit streets of the shopping district. Her face was unexpressive, her body just simply enjoying the moment. Unbeknownst yo her, his entire world was flipped upside down.

(Y/n) stood up to those girls.
She did it for him.

He grinned.
He didn't understand all of it, really. Like who they were, why they were doing this in the first place, and how any of it was significant. But he did remember that time before when she averted her gaze to him the day after the flood. He remembered being so angry and confused, regretfully unsure if he even liked her - or if she meant anything to him.

They bonded, and they kissed. Then she humiliated him. Then she tried to kiss him again, publicly. His desperation welcomed her back to him.

She was selfish, and he knew that. She took advantage of that. He knew it, too. Was it better to be loved, even if it was one sided? His gaze moved from her figure and instead deep into the horizon.

Desperation was a terrible feeling. His hold on her tightened, and he felt her drop her head against his chest. He said before, he'd be fine doing whatever with her as long as she was his.

But after that slap, he only wanted one thing.
Deep down, he wanted to be her equal, not her side piece. He wanted to be her forever, not her moment.

Was he allowed to wish for a higher dream? Even if what he had now was good and terribly better than what he had before?

She chose him now. Even still, he wasn't satisfied. He felt guilty.

What was his higher dream, now?

His eyes followed back down again, and cattily, she peeked up at him. It was ridiculous, the way he smiled instantly at her. The feeling of warm, bubbly adoration sparking through his face. Bashfully, she smiled too, wrapping an arm around his waist. The touch was inviting, tender, the embrace purposeful and flashing. There they were, walking the streets on a date, holding each other under the moon. Carefree, where prying eyes could find them.

The realization caught him

For his higher dream, he wanted (Y/n) (L/n) to be fearless about him, the way he was with her.

He always had an arm around her. He always kissed her where the world could see it. Now, she was finally doing so back.

The small taste of his higher dream was fragrant against his lips, the dew of it plentiful and fair. She slapped that girl for him, and now she was holding him in public. It won't be any long before school rumors spiral out of control. Was it cruel for him to be excited about the humors?

There was another unsettling feeling in his heart. A feeling he was almost too afraid to acknowledge. What if (Y/n) thought of him as a toy?

Just like Fumiko and Makima.

His eyebrows softened.

Well. She did comfort him all those times. But she didn't even think to call or text him when she was away.

But. Today, she did invite him on a date- She broke up with Haruka! The conclusion was broken the moment her hand made contact with that girl's face, and with a lovely sigh, the idea faded into thin air.

Still, he felt anxious again.

Did she tell Haruka about the cheating when they broke up?

Even now, Denji felt guilty for pointing out the holes in his higher dream. He got what he wanted now. She broke up with him.

He should take what he's given. It's just like what Yoshida said about Nayuta, and here he was applying it to (Y/n). He should take what he's given and stop becoming Chainsaw Man. Having Nayuta was enough. Even now, he felt ashamed for pointing out his girlfriend's selfish, emotional tendencies.

Could he tape the holes down in his higher dream?

He wants to put his foot down.

He wants to try.

What if Yoshida was wrong? What if Yoshida was right?

His heart picks up, his blinking slowing, his saliva brimming dry. "H-Hey, (Y/n)." He stuttered, slowly coming to a stop. Each breath was nerve-wrackingly pure, as if he could taste every miniscule particle in the air.

She stopped with a brilliant chime, her steady eyes finding their way back to him. They were quick to notice his unsettling feelings, her eyes melting in concern. "Yes, Denji?" She blinked.

His hand fell from her shoulder to scratch briefly at the back of his neck. His fists tightened, anxiety smoting his cheeks a blushing red.

"Did'ya tell Haruka... About us. And what we did..." His eyes fell to the floor.

"Oh -" She stammered. He couldn't bring himself to glance at her. Instead, he ran his sweaty hands against his uniform. "I didn't." She muttered.

His eyebrows set, confusion boiling in his belly.

He's going to put his foot down. He has to.

"You... You should've done that first." He mumbles. Slience reigns between them. "I want to... I want to have you all to myself... S-So you should hurry up and break his heart so he'll leave us alone." His words were so childish and out of touch, but he was right. "Gotta tell that prick everything... So he'll move on... It's what you gotta do... You gotta do it (Y/n)." He barked, not picking his head up from the floor.

The feelings grew jittery. His heart was poinding by now. It burned with an unstoppable fire, a raw kindling that ate at his chest. "I'm gonna be your boyfriend now. So... If you want to be with me-- you gotta do that first." He looked to the left at a nearby store, his lips pursing. It felt like a streghtening breezs of freeze air had hit him dearly, the breeze slowing everything down.

Confidence was rising, and so he began to straighten himself up. "I'mma man, not a boy. I don't condone villiany... So. Iwon'tt be yours until you do!" He chimed. Finally, his eyes met hers. They were overcome in surpise, her stature upright, her hands folded behind her back.

She blinked a few times, but then her eyebrows set. Her lips moved, his heart raced.

Maybe he shouldn't have risked--

"You're right." She said.

His eyes met hers with a quiet gasp.

"I have to go talk to him." Her hands instantly go into her purse, fishing for her phone. When it turns up empty, she shoots a look back to Denji. "I'm going, okay?" She said, but it was more of a statement or a burning goodbye than it was a call of his approval. She began to turn, and he knew it then, no matter what he said, she was going to go to Haruka.

And boy, it all made him painfully happy. Giddiness sparked up his body, his eyes flaring in untouched surpise. "Yeah!" He cheered. He watched his girlfriend wave, her body pacing down the street, disappearing behind the figures of people. 

He got a girlfriend now.

Abruptly, hand touched his shoulder. With a gritting, venomous voice, it spat a fervent grunt. "Denji." It bellied with hatred. He turned quickly.

To his surpise, it was that guy from earlier. His long black hair was tossed in his face, his lips agape as he panted profusely, his bright blue eyes hammered deep into Denji's stare, causing Denji to stumble back in alarm.

"Join the Chainsaw Man Church."


You don't know how hard it was to not make Haruka jump Denji at the end of this chapter.

Do you all like this chapter??

I'm thinking about changing it.

haruka's girlfriend | denji x reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now