Story Notes + Ending Rough Draft

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Here is the Note List I have been updating throughout the story. It contains all the arcs I wanted to cover as well as the ending of Haruka's Girlfriend!

Thanks again.


Dreamers Club

Y/n bullied arc
Slut shaming etc Hikari ass

Denji says he'll think about the church

Denji & y/n go 2 her house / phone call sbt what it means to be intimate

Hikari & Jiri

Meanwhile sugo tries 2 get Denji to join by showing him through church. (D u wanna sleep w her)

Haruka tries 2 get y/n to cheat

Denji y/n phone call

Fami & Barem why they want (y/n)

Haruka helps denji and y/n and justice devil retaliate

nayuta fire

Barem stalking (y/n)

The story forces her to be empathic by forcing Haruka into her life often
She's seeing him on the news, at school, clubs, seigi ans nobana hate her, until the eventual attack. Have her be afraid of herself and her guilt before finally, she settles into the truth- empathy

She sees it reflected in denji and nayuta possibly and how they are staying at her house.

Mayne denji and nayuta love her home so much that they move the dogs in, and keep showing up no matter what.

Y/n gets the family she never had, and it causes her to think about how her parents were truly never around. It's an uncomfortable, invaiding feeling for her. She can't fathom as to why they didn't want her, what was so wrong about her that they didn't care. This is an exact parallel to her relationship with Haruka.

Haruka's parent possibly treat gim.the same way, buying him every chainsawman thing just to keep him out of their hair. That's why he always act so pretentious and pious because he never was special or important to his parents. Seigi and nobana knows that and they make him their leader nkt because he is necessary a wonderful one, but because he is their most important thing. Cute ahh mfs. Haruka and Y/n treated wvahother similar to their parents treated them.
Make sure to expand and hammer that point in when Y/n and Haruka reenteract at school

Maybe she's coming to terms with her neglect, and how she heals from it she learns it wasn't her fault and there was nothing she could do to fix it. Have the final message me you were just a kod struggling with abuse. Maybe she asks the same question Haruka asked to her but about her parents, she realizes, gasps, and then starts crying for Haruka

She's realized she became her parents, always using her, in her relationship with Haruka. She must talk to him, no matter what. And the day she realizes it's on wednesday. Ans she says the words that her parents never said to her to him

Maybe this liberates him, he thinks, for a moment this was silly. Barem pulls his starter, Haruka goes Chainsaw Man mad

Haruka and Y/n heart to heart
"I'm allowed to be angry. You're supposed to be angry, everything I did was rational. I'm entitled to that." Haruka
Don't make y/n righteous, but instead truly apathetic to Haruka. She only apologies to Haruka ag first because denji told her, have the story force her to empathize with him. Then she has a raw moment, where she wants to cry not because this pressure is applied upon her, but that she pushed her ex lover so hard into madness that he was willing to kill someone. Have her accept she damaged him beyond compare, that she ruined his life. That her apologizes mean nothing, because it is all too late. Don't rationalize anything. She caused a school shooter basically

Maybe Haruka turns into this giant monster about to kill denji, and she's just  saying all the wors her parents didn't. Maybe she says, we are just kids Haruka, we should have to feel this way, but we do. Referencing to hid psrents. (Thr root of any child's issue is the lack for affection/discipline from a parent)

Haruka starts sonjing and like a slobbering nasty monster way

Come hug me. And she extends her arms
and he tried to crawl on over to y/n

When he gets close, bsrem just sets him on fire. Haruka runs about and a bunch of stuff start catches fire as barem just scorches him absolutely

Then barem grabs y/n, the place goes up in flames. Trying 2 get denji 2 transform, barem burns nayuta, but seigi absolutely tanks it like a boss. Nobana rams into barem, it does nothing but barem lowers his guard enough for denji to quickly transform, cut off Barem's arms, do a gruesome fight. Barem drinks y/n's blood, drags her to the top of a building, drops her, and then Haruka, burnt to a crisp, flies out and is willing to sacrifice himself to save her, giving denji enough time to scale up the building and cut off barems head

Haruka falls into seigi and nobana and they catch him. They profess their brotherly and follows love to Haruka, saying that even if he doesn't have y/n's romantic love, they will always have their love for their club president. "Of course we would, you're our president!!"

Cute vibes, then they're in a hospital healing up with public safety.

"Sorry for trying to kill you."
"Wasnt your fault, Haruka."
"Ive got a question."
"Why I don't understand, what's so wrong about me?" (The question he keps asking.) "Why wasn't I enough for you."
"I used you. You'd do whatever I wanted. So I used you." (Whe says the thing she always wanted her parents to acknowledge and say to her).
Haruka pauses. The realization hits and grits.
"Okay. Yes... That makes sense."
Sliencd. Maybe he's smiling a little, he's making peace with it all
He looks down. "I don't ever want to see your face again."
"Okay, Haruka."
Play into their childish innocence
He looks at her dead in her face. "Goodbye, Y/n." The corners of his eyes crinkle in fondness
She smiles, "Goodbye Haruka."

Have the final message be, you were judt a kid struggling sith abuse, this wasn't your fault. You didn't have to earn your parents love, there wasn't anything wrong with you, you're just a little girl. Super cute message that will help and comfort a lot of people.
Then the last chapter, have it be a mirror to dream girl. They sneak out of the hospital and go to the school, but qhen they turn back around to leave, the typhoon devil attacks, and they get stranded at the school. Maybe they see octopus tentacles grabbing at the devil in the background. Maybe the world needs their Chainsaw Man?

Denji, hell no!!

But you're Chainsaw man???

I wanna recreate my first date with my girl.

Oh, Ji.
They giggle

This shit sucks 😭

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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