29 | finally a family again

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"Miss Niijima, Miss Niijima!" You yelled as you burst in from the front door. Lazily, you shook off your shoes and scrambled towards the kitchen. Your hat falls in the ruckus, but you catch it moments before it falls out of reach. "Miss Niijima!" You yelled as you caught the eyes of the house maid your parents hired to take care of you.

She was an old, sweet lady, with wonderful lively wrinkles stretching across the corners of her eyes and plentiful grey hair. She treated you as her own. Her kindness helped you through the darkest of times when you were smaller. She beamed in joy at your upbeat behavior. "Yes?" She asked.

"We've got guests coming over! They will be spending the night!" You jumped, clapping excitedly.

Ms. Niijima gasped brightly, "A visitor, here?" She excitedly clapped with you.

"Yes, yes! I know!" You gasped.

"I must get started on the meals. And, well, Miss, you must get ready immediately!" Ms. Niijima rushed through the pantry, pulling out seasonings as she plummeted through them. "Oh! Cleaning, I must clean more! Well, we have to set their beds and get fresh towels, Miss" Ms Niijima stops suddenly, immediately walking off to get a broom

You hopped after her, unable to stop your jittery glee. "One at a time! You get started with cooking, I'll tidy up and help you clean and do the beds. This calls for a team effort." You galiantly gasped.

"You're right, Missus." She sang cheerfully.

You curted out of the kitchen, wxploding up the stairs at a lighting pace. What should you wear? What rooms should you put them in? Should you wash your hair or wait until tomorrow? Did you have enough activities planned?

You rushed to pick out your day wear, something cozy enough to be able to relax, but cute enough to wear around the house. You rummaged through your wardrobe, picking out clothes after clothes after the close. When the perfect gear finally hit you, you rushed to take a nice shower. Then you hurried to help Ms Niijima around the home.

It wasn't all long before the doorbell rang, the chime sharp and gleeful. For a second, you were deathly unsure of the sound. You hadn't heard your own doorbell ring in so long. It wasn't until Ms Niijima flashed you a look. Did you finally realize it was them.

Excitement bundled up deep in your chest, you rushed down to the front door, your footsteps heavy and echoed as Ms Niijima followed you. You pulled the door open, a gust of wind flying at your strength.

Before you stood Denji, his face bright and beaming, his jagged teeth flashed to the world. He was comfortably dressed in a Chainsaw Man shirt, shorts, and sneakers to match. He held a pink princess backpack on one hand and a grocery bag filled with his own clothes. To his left was Nayuta, her hands folded up. Her face scrunched when she saw you.


You gleefully stepped out of the way, and he happily stepped right in. Denji bounced forward and slung her arms around you, your face sinking deep into him kmmedaitely. He breath evens out. You can hear it, as if he was holding back a tense sigh. Giggling, you pat his back, listening as Nayuta stepped through the door, shuffling off her shoes.

"Ooh! How sweet." Ms Niijima clapped excitedly, her sweet voice piping up giddily.

You tried to turn, but Denji's snaking hands trapped you close to him, his sigh growing heavy and mellow. Your eyebrows quirked, but dtill you tried to equally bounce your attention about. You turned your head as far as you could to peer at Nayuta, watching as she eagerly stepped into the house. "I missed this." He sighed, unsurity in his whispering voice.

Your eyes soften, a ballad of chuckles bumbling out from flustered lips. A fuzzy feeling rumbled in your heart.

"Aah, hi Nayuta." You sang, unsure of where to rest your hands. Nayuta didn't reply, and gingerly, you glanced to Ms Niijima. "This is Denji and Nayuta. Nayuta Denji, this is Ms Niijima. She's been taking care of me." Denji broke away for the introduction, and shamelessly, he smiled at bowed to Ms Niijima carelessly.

haruka's girlfriend | denji x reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now