10 | breakup

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You stared at yourself in the mirror as you brushed through your hair. A towel was wrapped around your body, and you were sectioning off hair for your nighttime routine. You stared at your form in the mirror.


Maybe you could be free.

You could.
You could drop your schedule, you could destroy your routines, stop studying, and leave your extracurricular activities.

You could leave Haruka.

A flurry of nerves and confidence overwhelmed you. Hikari wouldn't be your friend if you stopped being you. So would all the other girls. You would fade into nothing, and you would lose your future career.

Abruptly, your phone started to ring. You flinched. You reached for it and flipped it open. It was Haruka. You gulped.

"Hello?" You answered.

"(Y/n)!" He shouted.

"What?" You chuckled in confusion.

"I want to be more fun." He said.

"Okay..." You perked.

"Want to come to the Aquarium tomorrow? The Devil Hunter Club is," If you could sigh loudly, you would've. "Going out for a treat to keep morale up."

Tell Him.

"What?" You shot up from your seat.

"Oh. I said the club's going to the Aquarium, and I wanted to know if you'd come. They're also releasing a Chainsaw Fishman shirt there, too."

"O-Oh. Yes, sure. I'll come." You said.

"I'll pick you up at twelve." He said.

The phone call ended quickly.

You couldn't just do it over the phone. You had to tell him in person.

So tomorrow. You're breaking up with Haruka.

When tomorrow did finally come around, you were too nervous to do anything. At the breakfast table, you dropped your fork, hit your head, and knocked your plate off the table. Then, you dropped your glass on the way to the sink. You failed your makeup each time. Your hair just couldn't look right.

It was when Haruka knocked on your door that you really panicked. You, through your hair decently together, put on your clothes and grabbed a random bag to meet him. To your distaste, he was simply in his sleeping clothes. You bit the inside of your cheek. He smiled at you, flicking his bang out of the way.

"C'mon. The club's waiting on us." He said as he took your hand.

He started to walk, and you followed, your breath shaking.

"Hey... Haruka." You said as you made it to the front door.

"Hmm?" He hummed as he opened it, revealing the faces of the entire club.

"Hey (l/n)," they greeted.

Your lips fell slack. "Hii! Everyone." You mumbled.

"Oh (l/n), you don't look so much yourself today. Did you catch a cold?" Seigi asked.

"I've never seen you without so much makeup on. And your hair's decent." Fami said as she munched on a cracker.

"I uh... I'm fine." You said.

Her attention turned to her phone, as she mumbled. "Oh, sorry, guys. Can't go. I have to do something." And carelessly stoic, she walked off without goodbyes.

"Aw. Bye... Fami." Haruka called after her, waving his hand for her. She turned to wave to him, and he smiled adoringly.
Your eyebrows furrowed.

Did something happen between them?

haruka's girlfriend | denji x reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now