17 | hurts so good

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When the clock hit four-thirty pm, Denji finally realized that (y/n) (l/n) stood him up.

He followed your instructions. He was in the right classroom.

It was Wednesday after school, he was in classroom 11-c, and was on the fourth floor.

He waited for you.
It had already been two hours.

Denji flipped out his cell phone and stared at your text one last time.

He was sick yesterday.
Maybe she was mad at him about that.

He sighed mournfully and stood up. He had to go home and cook for Nayuta. Knowing her, she probably wouldn't want to eat the leftovers from yesterday. He tried to blimk awah his confusion, but all of it was so heavy. Denji walked down the steps of the school, a frown set deep against his face.

If he was (y/n), he'd be mad at himself too. Afterall, he smells like a dog, he didn't tell her he'd be sick, and after a whole makeout like that; he didn't even call her. She'd probably thought that's all he wanted from her. He crashed his fist into his hair with a grunt. She was going against her boyfriend for him. He should have been more considerate.

He gripped a handful of his hair next, hissing and groaning loudly. He walked down the stairs and off school grounds, each step feeling heavy as he made it to the city.

He's going to have to make things up to her. He loved her. He didn't want her to be angry. Please don't be angry with him.

Denji pulled out his phone again, staring at the text message. Maybe he should text her something back. What would he say? What could he say to make things alright?

Maybe an I love you?
No. That would be stupid.

What if Haruka saw that text?

"--Chainsaw Man!" Everything came to a hault as a voice split through the crowd.

He knew that voice, a gasp filled his lips.

That was her voice! Denji dropped everything with a sharp gasp, darting his head about. His phone crashed against the ground, but his eyes found the most beautiful girl. There was (y/n) stood in front of a building some ways away, folding a sign and wearing the Devil Hunter Club hat. He hesitantly picked up his phone and rushed on over, each step booming and fast. "(Y/n)!" He called as he shoved the crowd. He didn't care he was just stood up. How could he when such a lovely lady was before him!

"(Y/n)!" He cheered again, now closer. She was just as beautiful as ever. Her hair was beautiful, her smile was stunning, and her skin was as radiant as ever. Her voice was like sweet music to his ears, and even now, he turned into a giddy slush.

You blinked at him in surpise. "Oh! Hi Denji!" She smiled a smile so sweet it could rival honey itself. Denji giggled, feeling a flush creep onto his face. He scratched his neck awkwardly, leaning gleefully. "What are you doing here? Are you here to join the church? It's wonderful!" You said bubbly.

"The what?" Denji asked.

"Hey. I remember you." Haruka said suddenly, and Denji's smile faded immediately. The boy walked over to the two of them, sliding an arm over (Y/n)'s shoulder. He threw a possesive glare deep into Denji's eyes. Denji couldn't hold back the pout on his lips.

"Haruka." (Y/n) cheered. His pout worsened when she leaned into him and rested her head against his chest. That was his girl. Not Haruka's.

"Haruka, hey." Denji said, his voice falling flat.

"You're from the Karaoke." He didnt greet Denji back, instead his nose upturned. "How have things been going for you, champ?" Haruka grinned, his eyebrows were pint in annoyance.

haruka's girlfriend | denji x reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now