3 | tension

519 26 9

I double upload chapters, so please make sure you're reading in order! Sorry about that!

In the chapter before, Denji and (y/n) share past experiences


"So I just... Sit on you?" You stammered.

While the flooding raged on, Denji squatted onto all fours, peering up at you. He had his school jacket off, his chainsawman shirt poking about. You had just given him the couple yen you had to sit on him. You felt bad. You wanted to help his sister. 

By the way he spoke, it didn't seem like he had any parents. Maybe Mr. and Mrs. Haykawa was lost in a hurricane, too.

"Mmh! Sit!" He grinned suspiciously.

You shifted awkwardly closer, tucking your skirt in as you sat on his damp back. As you dropped your weight, he didn't budge at all. in fact, he didn't shake, not one bit. It was like you weighed nothing, nothing at all. You could feel gim, for a teenage boy he was built kind of like a barn, as tough and and sense as a rock.

"Am I hurting you?" You asked quietly.

"No..." He said back just as quietly.

"I'll give you a five hundred more if you don't tell anyone we did this." You said.

"M'Kay..." He said, even quieter.

You rested your hands against your knees as the rattling from the windows raged onwards. The ambiance was nice, soothing, but you couldn't help but bob your ankle. You were sitting in Denji. The same way you shamed the girls for doing so.

A chill ran by you.
"Think you could... pass me your jacket?" You asked. Bashfulness was swallowing you whole.

"Kay." His back cranned beneath you, one side lifting pushing you up. You gasped in surprise as one of his hands reached forward, his body steady. Your heart skipped a beat. He slid the jacket toward your ankles.

With one hand, he could still keep you up without shaking.

He was.

So strong.

You gulped quietly as he placed his hand back down. And you took his blazer, putting it on. It was way too big for you, and it had a smell to it, too. It smells like a wet dog. It was hoarse against your nose. A flush took your face.

Denji was.

It's surprisingly handsome.

He was ugly. Smelly. But.
He was handsome like this.

Slience reigned in the room for a while. You wrapped yourself tightly in his blazer, burying your frosty nose into it. Still, you were so cold. Your eyes drooped, and you ended up buttoning up the whole blazer to you. But you couldn't fight the sneeze that erupted out from you.

"You cold?" He asked.


"You could get sick... If you're cold, uh... I know a way we can warm up..." He said bashfully.

"No way." You said.

"Not like that. I mean... It's never too late to cuddle up."

"Fat chance." You said.

"Ah... Okay." He said.

The lights flickered off again, and you shrinked into Denji, frantically glancing to the ceiling.

"You'll be fine." He hushed, reasaueing flooding his pretty voice. Why did he talk to you so tenderly like that. It was so irritating. He spoke to you like you were some flower, delicate enough to fall apart in bloom. You sneezed, scrubbing your nose.

It made you even more annoyed because you wanted to be spoken to like that.

Haruka talked to you plainly.

Denji talked to you tenderly.

Your eyebrows pressed as a cracking thunder erupted again.

"We're fine." He said meekly.

Your hands clenched together.

"Why are you reassuring me like I'm a child." You spat.

"Ah... Was I?" He giggled.

Your anger melted away. "Yes..."

"My uh... sister used to be afraid of all kinds of stuff. It's a habit of mine." He said.

"You must really love her." I said.

He paused. "I did."

You relaxed into the wall nearby, stretching your legs out as you made yourself comfortable. Your head rested against the wooden walls, your hands stroking your shoulders. "I never had siblings. It was always just me and my parents... I can't really say that either, though... They were always busy at work. It was kind of just me and myself."

"What was that like?" He asked.

"I wanted to be like them so badly. I used to pretend to work a whole lot of jobs to keep me busy. Working is good. Keeps you safe." I said.

"Whaddya mean?" He asked.

What do you mean? In a secknd, it all came crumbling down. Everyone knows what safe was, what it meant. Your eyrbrows furrowed as you fidgeted with his blazer sleeve. "Safe... You know. Having it all good... Uh.... Safe is... Safe is being... Safe."

"Oh." He said.

"Safe is... Being popular. Dating Haruka. Being... Me." You said.

"Ah. Makes sense." He said.

No it didn't. What you said didn't make any sense at all. You stood up from him, sitting on the floor infront of him. He turned you in confusion, his mouth parted with the faintest flush.

"What's up?"

"I think I was over extending my say." You sneezed.

"I don't mind overtime."

"I don't want to pay overtime prices."

"Free of charge for the pretty woman!" He grinned grittily, all of his pointed teeth poking everywhere.

You snorted, shaking your head. "Oh yeah? What's in it for you hm?"

"Get 'ta know you better." He fell against the floor with a grunt and rolled onto his side. He tucked his hand underneath his head.


"You're pretty."

"Everyone says that."

"Yeah, probably."

Was that all?
Haruka would've said because you were smart, intelligent, bright... He would have complimented you deeply, he would have brought up who you are. Denji didn't. He only said that and why? Why did he agree with you? He didn't know you.

You didn't know you as you looked at his lips. You didn't know you as your heart raced hard enough for your eyes to flinch away in fear.

Denji was unsafe. It made things so confusing. He was everything you weren't.

"So... Do you like Chainsaw Man?" He asked.

"Who doesn't. He's goretastic." You smiled.

He grinned, shooting upright, pointing at his chest with his thumb. "I'm Chainsawman." He barked.

"Uh huh... I'm the Queen of England. Why don't we find something to eat? I'm getting hungry." You said.

"But it's true." He whined.

You stood up, grabbing the lamp.

"Come on... I don't want to go alone..." You whispered.

"You scared?" He chuckled.

For once, you couldn't say no.

"I'll lead the way." He smiled.

haruka's girlfriend | denji x reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now