7 | your betrayal

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When school rolled around again, everything felt how it should.

Your alarm woke up at five a.m., you took your shower, you did your skincare, and right on time, your maid called you for breakfast. You ate exactly what you wanted to eat, the same thing you ate every school morning, a bowl of plain rice salted with two teaspoons of Himalayan salt, and a fourth cup of soup.

You took care of your teeth, you brushed your tongue, you finished your hair, and you got dressed. You put on the makeup you always did, light enough not to get caught by the teachers, but bold enough so everyone would agree you were the prettiest.

You left your empty house and were greeted by Haruka at six-thirty on the dot, and he gave you a short kiss-- just how things should. You walked to school and handed ten minutes to spare for your group to find you. Then they accompanied you to your homeroom before they all left to theirs. This is how you spent your school days.

It was just how things should be.
You were content. You are content.

Things were just as they should.
You stood at the door of your home room with a pleasant sigh. When you turned around, a ruckus ensured.

There, there was Denji again. Yutaka was using him as a chair, and his eyes caught you the moment you stepped into the class. You tilted your head high, sparing him no glance as you sat at your desk. You buried yourself into the final step of your morning routine, setting up your desk. Your pencil case had to be on your right, your workbook on your left, and an estranged notepad for any equations you wanted to--

"Sorry, uh -" You heard his voice abruptly call. You tensed.

"Hey, wait, I had two minutes left." Yutaka cried.


Fear took you as you nailed your eyes to your books, hoping, pleading he wasn't coming where you think he was. Your peripherals gazed as his legs bumped into chairs around as he split through rows of people, all just to make it to you. "Hey, (l/n)." Goodness. Don't tell me he was talking to you. Weren't there any other (l/n)s in the classroom?

The room went quiet.

Delayed, you looked up.

To your dismay, Denji was smiling fondly at you. He was giddy today too, whatever it was about this guy, he always seemed so happy. Even when the whole school thought the worst of him. You couldn't live like that. Could you?

You were very content.

It wasn't just Denji looking. It was everyone else, too. You cleared your throat, sinking into your seat with a friendly smile.

"Ppft." You heard Yutaka snicker.

"You're Denji, right? Hi." You said.

His eyebrows furrowed, his eyes narrowed. "Huh? I wanted to know if you got home safely." He said.

"What do you mean?" You said.

His eyebrows twitched.
You clenched your jaw.

"(L/n)? Is this guy bothering you?" You heard your classmate, Chojiro's burly voice rumble from behind you.

"Hey! You don't get to bother (L/n)!" Another boy stood, and it was your other classmate Daiji.

"Wait!" Denji put his hands up.
Daiji came barreling in, grabbing the boy by the collar. You shot up immediately, concern weaving your eyebrows together.

"Hey! Don't fight him!" You gasped.

"Yeah! Not in here. Go brawl outside." Yutaka cackled.

Daiji threw the door open and dragged Denji outside, and Chojiro rushed after. You and the rest of the class rushed to the doors, peering through the window at the fight. Things were already heating up, as Denji brave took hits from the boys before sending them a new one. It was brutual how quickly Denji recovered, how his uniform became disheveled, and the way even Chijiro was no match for his swings.

You watched as a teacher quickly intervened, throwing the three off each other and sending Denji, alone, straight to the disciplinarian's office. "Good. That'll teach him." You said to Chijiro as he walked into the classroom.

He had a twinge of shame on his face from his loss, but still he smiled warmly at you. "Of course, lady (l/n)!" He said. You found your seat quickly, shaking your head with a sigh.

"That was weird." Yuktaka said.

"Tell me about it. Guys like him are such animals." You said in fleeting, as the teacher walked in, and the class stood up to greet him.

"Haha!" Yutaka whispered over. "Hey (l/n)?" She hunched forward in her seat beside me, her friends in the neighboring desks snickering. "You know Mitaka, the chicken girl?"

"No?" Your eyebrows furrowed.

"Later today, I heard Cindy and Hana are going to--"

A loud, ear erupting boom resonated from the hallways. All glass shattered within an instant you flinched to protect your face. The Teacher shot up immediately with a roar, "Devil Attack!" All chaos broke loose. Screaming and yelling filled the noise of the hallways, the sounds of rocks and concrete shattering.

An urgent voice screamed from the intercom, "This is not a drill. Unidentified Devil in the hallways! Everyone make it out of the building now!"

Your heart dropped to your stomach as you stood from your seats. You and your class packed into the hallways with all the other fleeting students, your bodies colliding as you fled.

Between the screeches, your ear picked up the faintest sound - the faintest yell. Haruka's yell. You knew that yell, your heart stopped in your chest. You planted your feet into the floor, turning your head and moving against the grain of fleeing bodies. "Haruka!" You called for him. You pushed through people, shoving and kicking away. You heard the booms, and destruction get louder, a signal that you were getting closer.

You broke through the crowd and sprinted down the hallway, your heartbeat thumping in your ears. When you turned the corner, Haruka's body went flying to you, and you splattered against a nearby wall. All your breath fled from your lungs, your body slid against the debris wall and to the floor.

"Haruka?" You wheezed.
Haruka fainted into you, his head falling onto your stomach and then slipping weakly into your lap. You wrapped your hands around his head, a strained whine in your lips. "Haruka?" You cried again.

"Omigosh no--" A voice made your eyes dart up. A disgusting yellow, multi-tentacles devil was being attacked by the devil hunterclub. The devil had no eyes, and its large brain shot out of its head.

Haruka groaning brought you back to Earth. You grabbed him roughly, slugging him onto his feet as you stood. He slumped onto your shoulders, limping against you.

"Haruka, are you okay?" You asked, rushing down the hallway.

"Mmht..." He grunted with a nod.

"What is that thing?" You asked.

"Justice Devil... It's Yuko, and she's trying to kill..." Was all he said before he hissed out in pain, slumping even more weight helplessly against you. Yuko? You two went to kindergarten together! You graduated Middleschool together, too! You never spoke to her once, but she was still an ex-classmate of yours. Could she really do something like that?

You helped him down the stairs and out the building. The devil grew large and burst out the building as more hunters tried to fight it. Haruka's eyes were pinned behind you as you slugged him. He didn't turn back around. "Fami, Seigi..." He whispered.

haruka's girlfriend | denji x reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now