4 | can i call you tonight

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Outside the walls of your cozy little classroom, it was like everything else around was stark loud. The thunder and the rain beat against the building with a fervent smote, the fishing lightening sparkling, illuminating the halls in an eerie glow. You were scared, it sounded like the whole place would just blow away.

But not Denji. He trudged forward with his mouth hanging wide open, hunched back as he walked fully calm. He didn't even have the lamp, it was you who extended it out from just behind him. A guy like him would be content walking around in the dark- he was fearless.

"Mrs Kurage always keeps rice crackers in her staff closet." He snickered. He glanced at you with his famous, gritty, sharp toothed smile.

Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked up at him. "You've been stealing haven't you." You narrowed your eyes.

"I would never steal." He said.

He walked down the steps and before you to was a flooded sea. Tables and chairs were carried out into the halls by the flooding, their tops barely standing a lot above the water.

"Dang." Denji hissed.

You shone your lamp as far our as you could. Tables and chairs littered all the way down, scattered abroad like pieces to a forsaken puzzle. "I know what we can do!" You said.

"Huh? What?" He asked.

"Let's jump across until we make it to Ms Kurage's class." You said.

"Alright! Sounds awesome!" Denji roared. His pointy teeth bared forward, as he leaned back to prepare for a brave jump.

"Oh wait--" Before you could even get a word in he left like a frog! His feet crashed into a nearby table with a clamor, the water sucking up the vibrations. His tongue hanged out from his mouth doggishly, his eyes bright and excited.

"Let's go!" He said.

No way. There was no way he was this wild.
Your feet turned, you stepped back. You dashed across the floor, jumping with your hands up. With another boom, your tennis shoes hurled into rhe creaking wood of a chair. Splashes of water sputtered about, your socks getting drenched in the rain.

You made it! You tossed your head back with a hearty laugh.

"Gahaha!" Denji laughed kiddishly.

You narrowed your eyes, grinning mischievously. You jumped to the next table, "Race you!" You said. Instantly, you took off hopping.

"Hey! No fair!" He barked.

Passionate giggles spilled from your belly, as the wind flew through your hair. Water swashed for every jump and you were sure you were getting even more wet than before. Denji chuckled and snickered after you, and it wasn't before long before you started seeing him catch up.

His long legs, his experienced build, he made strides ahead of you. He ogled you bravely, his doggish tongue free in the wind.

"You're not catching up!" You laughed uncontrollably.

You sprung into the aid, jumping over two chairs at once, your foot crashing into the slippery side of a table. You wobbled into a miscalculated bound, ans now you were completely airborne.

"Wah!" You cried as you came hurdling down into the flooded floors. Your face smote the water, your shin pummeled into a desk, your elbow crashed into a chair, and like a domino, both your side and his side of little pathway came crashing down- Denji too.

"Gaah!" He cried.

Denji fell right onto you, pushing your entire body down to touch the flooded floors, your whole body submerged in water. He was heavy, he crushed you into the bottom, and you sucked up stinging water through tour nostrils. Anger caused your red to bloodshot open, and ironic pain caused you to rocket onto your knees.

"Gguh-!" You stuttered a tortued gasp at the surface, barrels of snotty water fleeing from your nose as you paid at your sore eyes.

"Gahaha! Hahaha! You look-- Pfft!" Denji howled as he slid away, his arm sling over a desk for support.

Fury flew up your body as you flung a finger at his chest. "You almost killed me!"

He threw his head back in a strained wheeze, his body kicikng away from you.

"What are you like sixhundrd pounds or something!" You screamed. "I almost died!"

His whole body shook, and he slapped at his face. His laughter was beautifully strong, unfettered, jovial, and bubbling in energy. How could you stay mad? Your eyebrows set deep against your face. You trudged over to gin kn your knees, raising a playful fist to slam into his lively chest.

"I'm gonna' get abs-- Gahaha!" He barked. He caught it and you swung your other arm. It suffered the same fate, both of your wrists caught by the boy that was such a laughing mess. His hair was drenched, stuck to his face all over, tears pricking his eyes infectiously.

You stuttered a feral giggle, and that was all it took before you, too, lost it. Your head grew heavy as it slammed into his chest, causing him to hark cartoonishly and jolt upwards. He pulled you effortlessly close to you, his lips and eyes moving to make fun of you, but nothing came out but struggling breaths.

"Aah!" He shrieked like a banshee.

"What!" You mocked.

His laughter bellied over, his sounds drifting into amused pants. Lost in the moment, you two were now so close. His nose was inches away, and your chests touched. Your hands slipped in his hold, and your palms met his palms. You were drenched and cold. If you didn't know any better, you felt your self shaking like a kicked puppy.

"You... Hehe- You slipped so stiffly." He giggled.

"What did you want me to do?" You gasped.

"You fell like a whole log." He said.

"Pfft!" You snorted. His eyes were so warm, so cozy and bright. They were so free. "I haven't laughed like that in ages!" You shouted, your heavy head leaning in close in your feat.

"Me too! Gahaha!" He stood, pulling you up with him, your body ragdolling in your loopy state. "We're going to freeze. We gotta go. We gotta go." He laughed. He started trudging through the water, and despite that, he still held one of your hands. He was more so dragging you through than guiding you, not thag you minded.

"Okay- Okay!" You beamed.

You trudged your way to the classroom, and Denji slung open the doors. He pulled you into the back closet, which was no surprise flooded.

"Aah, the rice crackers, don't flood the rice crackers." You whined.

"Don't flood the rice crackers!" Denji howled after you. "Will fate leave us stranded- hungry?" He said dramatically as he reached up to the shelves. "Will (l/n) and Denji die from hunger?"

"No! Please. Please Chainsaw Man save us..." You cried.

"Rrr-Rice... Crackers..." He grabbed a box, pulling it down. You quickly threw yourself onto him, hovering over his shoulder as he opened it up. There, lied a full box of dry crackers.

"Yes!" You threw your fist forward.
"Awesome!" Denji roared.

"My hero..." You fainted into him, wrapping your arms around his stocky waist, burying your nose into his shoulder.

"Ee!" He squealed girlishly.

Embarrassment hit you like a brick, and you jumped away from his hold. Heat ran up to your face, "I- uh. I didn't." Was all you could muster. You stole the box from him, jumping into a trudge back to the staircase.

"Hey, (l/n). I want another hug."
"Fat chance!"

haruka's girlfriend | denji x reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now