15 | join my cult, my love

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"Dreamer's club, eh?" Fami said, cranning her head back. It was sometime after the bell rung when you caught Fami walking out of her homeroom. The school day had ended, and much to your own dismay, Denji didn't show up at all. Still, you decided to seize the opportunity. Now was the perfect time, as Fami wasn't surrounded by her many cronies.

"You said that you'd throw in--" you said. Your stomach growled. She looked dead at your stomach, then at you. You awkwardly looked away. You forgot to pack your lunch for today, you were starving.

"I know what I said." She tilted her head.

You were angry at her. A lot of it all was your fault. You clenched your fist. "Good." You sassed.

She darted her eyes at you for a humbling second, and your anger faltered away. Her eyes were petrifyingthey were filled with the unknown - something that always terrified you. Darkness and the unknown walked hand in hand, and unknown were her intentions with you.

"Okay. Fourth floor, classroom 11-c. It's completely abandoned, and so far out, most people wouldn't think to walk there. It's not in Haruka's monitoring routes. But... You should only have your club on Wednesdays thirty minutes after you say goodbye to Haruka. Do it that way exactly." She said. The two of you approached the doors to the devil hunter club, and she threw it open with one strong hand. "You should decorate your club. It'll be cute." She flashed an eerie smile.

Sometimes, it was easy to forget she was a girl. She was so cold, it was hard to think she had a heart.

You shivered but nodded obediently. You whipped out your phone and shot Denji a quick text.

[y/n] dreamers club, 4th floor, 11c, tmrw

"My love." Haruka jumped to his feet when he saw you. The classroom was filled with members. They had Ramune pop open, each smiling and grinning ear to ear. The room was filled with chatter up, big bold smiles, and light laughs filled the air. Your eyebrows furrowed.

"Haruka." You said as he rushed in close. He smacked his lips against yourself. The kiss felt like a burn, a chaffing scar against you. You couldn't even bring yourself to pucker onto him. Guilt wringed at your heart. He pulled away, and you couldn't meet his eyes.

He didn't know where your lips had been. Who they had been with, and what they did with them.

"What is going on in here?" You asked, chuckling.

"Just a second." He grabbed your hand and pulled you into the circle as everyone stood. He pulled away from you, going to stand some ways away with his arms crossed. "(Y/n), (L/n). Present your offering to the Church." He flicked his bang with his hands.

You pulled open the box and flipped it upside down. The corpse of the button devil fell out and crashed against the floor.

Hums and gasps filled the room. Haruka cracked a cheezing smile, stroking his chin. "What do you think, my lady?" He asked Fami. "Is (Y/n)'s offering enough?"

When was Fami the leader of the club? You turned to her, and she smiled eerily fond. "The jury had decided...." She walked towards you, her hands behind her back, "That (Y/n)... (L/n)..." She pulled her hands out from her back, and there, a cap was in her hands. "Is now a member of the church." She cheered.

Roars filled the room, whooping and cheers drowning out all sound. You winced from it, giggling stiffly.

"About time!" Seigi boomed.

"I'm so h-happy you've joined us, (Y/n)!" Nobana clapped.

"Thank you guys..." You said.

"It's yours, you earned it." Fami said, extending the cap to you.

haruka's girlfriend | denji x reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now