6 | return to haruka

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You couldn't sleep a wink. All you felt was doom's anxious caress against your cheek. Your coat bed was hard anyways, the soft coats couldn't support your weight, and at the point, you should have just slept on the floor. Luckily, you weren't cold through the night. You tossed quietly, peering through the "living room" and into Denji's side of the tent.

You couldn't see much except the slow rise and fall of his breaths. You turned over on your side again, stuffing your bottom lip behind your teeth. Maybe you weren't cheating. You pulled your knees up to your chest, your ears listening hard to the sound of Denji's snoring. You were touchy with him.

He's going to expect something from you.
Guys like him were all the same.

You narrowed your eyes.

But he did surpass your expectations. He was unbelievably kind, not crude. He was fun and playful, not wreckless idiotic. He had reason behind what he did, despite how weird it was. Or maybe you were just trying to find excuses to your attraction.

It was small.
But it was terrifying.

Small seeds grow into giant habits.

Giant habits ruin safety. Giant habits would leave you with the loser delinquent guy everyone hated and would ruin your reputation.

You turned over to Denji, but he was gone. Sharply, you gasped, pulling yourself upright. His side of the fort was completely empty.

How did he crawl out so quietly?
He could've said something too...

You crawled out, too, pushing past the tarp and emerging into the classroom. A beam of hissingly bright light fluttered into the windows. You threw your hands over your eyes with a grunt.

The sky was clear today, almost suspiciously so. It was hard to believe it was raining cats and dogs mere moments ago. From what you could see from up here, the streets were still pretty flooded, but the roads were visible underneath the puddles. You could walk to Haruka's now.

You sucked in your lip and scanned the classroom, but still, Denji was gone. The hallways were chilly as you walked down them, following the steps and descending to the first floor. The water was gone, leaving only drenched, damp stains behind. The ceiling was filled with rings, and the school's entrance was right there. You walked to the main door and looked down at the schoolgrounds. It wasn't too bad. Puddles built up everywhere, but there was space for you to slink away.

You felt even worse than you did last night.

This meant you would have to go home.
Everything that ever was, everything that changed, and everything that was beautiful from last night would fade into just that-- a night.

If only it was still flooded...
If only you two were trapped here for the rest of your life. If only this solus could've lasted just a bit longer. If the whole world stopped, and infinitely, you could spend nights like that.

You heard heavy footsteps behind you. When you gazed back, there was Denji, toothy smile out in the air. Hope glittered in his eyes. He smiled fondly at you, his mkuthbpoking up into a cute, polite smile. He was bashful, the way he leaned onto one foot and scratched the back of his neck.

"Hey, (l/n)! We can go home now?" He stepped forward to you, eyes nailed to the entrance.

You wanted to cry. Bitterly.
"Yes." You said.

"I'll go clean up. You should go home." He said. His brown eyes were so sweet. His words were kind, too.

A weak smile spread across your lips. "Denji, thank you..."

"See you around, (l/n)." He said. It was more a question than it was a statement.

You passed before you walked off and called to him before he ascended up the stairs, "Denji." You said.

"Yeah?" He turned, peering at your with bright eyes.

You had to nip this in the bud.

"Listen, about last night... Haruka..." You couldn't find the words. You fidgeted with your coat, pulling at the fur.

Thungs were quiet for a moment. You hesitantly brought your eyes up to peer at his face. "I know." He said plainly. You looked up at him, and he had that face on. The one he had kn so frequently around school, yet words could not define it. His mouth hung open slightly, almost in a deadpan. His eyes were foreign and tired.

"I'm glad." Your jaw tightened. "See you at school." You trudged off, bitterly stepping down the staircase. Biting tears nipped at your eyes and builded their cities on cheeks.

Why were you crying?

Each step felt so heavy, and your body swayed like a leaf in the wind. You found yourself walking to that familiar gated home. You found yourself pushing through the gate and into the lavish garden. You found yourself ringing the doorbell.

You found yourself putting on a relieved smile when the door opened.

"(Y/n)!" Haruka's mother gasped, clasping her hands together. "Oh, sweetheart! We were worried sick." She wrapped loving arms around you.

"Ms. Iseumi." You smiled.

"Ru-Ru! Ru-Ru! Your girlfriend is here!" She shouted at the tops of her lungs. "Well, don't just stand outside. It's cold!" She pulled you into their warmly lit home. Their house was vast, just another perk of having a successful businessman for a father.

Haruka came barreling down the steps within seconds. He wore his favorite Chainsawman shirt, relaxes jeans on, with his hair free from his bandana.

"Oh, (y/n)." He sighed, shivering fear burning in his passioned eyes.

He wrapped his hands around you closely, and you buried into his hug.

You didn't cheat.
You were just really close with Denji.
That's over now. You cleared it up with him.

This is real.
This is now.

"Where were you?" He pulled you by the hand, up the stairs and down the hall to the right, straight into his big room. His limited chainsawman merch covered the walls everywhere, glass cabinets filled with figurines. He shut the door after you, quirkiness brows at your clothes. "What are you wearing?"

"Sorry I... I went after you and got trapped at school. I had to borrow a few coats."

"Good... I'll message your parents. It's going to flood again today. You are staying here." He cupped your fa e with a charming smile. "My beautiful girl..." He whispered, dragging his thumb across your skin.

You chuckled. This was uncomfortable. It was uncomfortable that you did what you did, uncomfortable because you shamefully had to peer into his shameless eyes. Uncomfortable, as all you saw was Denji's face in him. "Whose prettier, me or Chainsaw Man?" You lightly tugged at his cord on his chest, and he hissed a shy giggle.

"Yo..." He paused.

"Chainsaw Man?" You finished.

"He is only but the best." He slammed his hand against his chest. You rolled your eyes. "My... What's making you so playful today, (l/n)?" Confusion drowned in his tone.

You tensed up your jaw tightening. "Aah... Happy... To not be dead is all. W-Why don't we watch Chainsaw Man Versus Godzilla again?" You said.

"Perfect idea, my love. I swear, your brain is more intelligent than the rising sun." He pulled you in for a short kiss before barreling off to his CD player.

"I'm going to shower." You said.

What were you going to do?


I'll post the next part later today.

Looks like Denji will be getting into a fight.


haruka's girlfriend | denji x reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now