21 | wine and dine

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The sun was setting, and you were welcomed into the nightlife. Denji's hand fit warmly in yours as the glittering parade of evening lights danced its romantic charm. The evening sun danced stark flsres of bluish skies with an orange taste. You were going on a date with a boy, and for the first time in a while, you were genuinely excited. His fingers were interlocked between yours. They were warmnightlifesweaty, but they were his.

You leaned your head into his shoulder, and he chuckled wistfully. The two of you had just barely lost Sugo by now. You were surprised how intent he was on hunting the two of you down. It leads the two of you only deeper into the city, and by now, you were way past the shopping district. Instead, you were welcomed to cafes, restaurants, and all shorts of slow dinery.

You glanced up at Denji. He was handsome. He glowed underneath the bright, warm hues, the color only bringing out more of his fiery hair and cunning eyes. His lips were part, and his pointy teeth peered out from behind his lips. You squinted a fangirlish giggle, and his face lit up.

"What?" He whined. "You're making fun of me?" His lips pressed into a pout.

"No, no. You're really handsome, Denji." Tou were cheesing. From ear to ear, you were smiling so sharply. He cracked a bashful grin, a flush evading his cheeks.

"Hey, (y/n). Let's eat somewhere real fancy." The shyness melted away, and he pulled you forward with him.

You blinked in surpise, popping your step to catch up with his sudden guiding. "Where to?" You gasped.

His eyes surveyed the surrounding eateries. "What are ya' in the mood for?" He asked.

"Tonkotsu." You gasped.

"(Y/n), we can have tonkotsu back home." Denji shook his head.

"Home?" You giggled at his mistake.

"Ah... At my house. There's plenty of ramen places up the street." He blinked away for second, his face weaving into confusion. Of course, now that you were his, it meant that everything was now 'ours'. He wanted you home with him. He hated the idea of the two of you parting. You were now officially his girlfriend, and his world was now yours, too.

He wondered what your house looked like on the inside.

Your eyes flickered about, your body sneaking in close to Denji's broad stature. "Then..." You whispered in thought, pressing your cheek against his uniform. "Let's eat like the American movies." You chimed.

"'Kay." He dropped your hand, and cold nipped at your palm. He left the ghost of his touch, along with sweat residues, all to cover your eyes with his hands. He stepped behind you whole he did so, ans now you could hear his milky, raspy voice by your ears. "I'll pick something." He said. Allure trailed thriught your ears and shot diligent, flushed bullets to your brain.

You nodded shyly, your hands resting atop his. He started to move you forward, and blindly, you stepped, trusting that he would navigate you fully, even if he wasn't in front. A few times, he'd pill upi back to him in a halt, but so far, nothing erupted your way. The two of you made it closer to a chattering business, and your interest piqued. Denji stopped you, and you resisted clawing as his hands.

"Table for two!" You heard him bark childishly, and you giggled after him.

"Uh... Alright." A woman's voice said after him. Even from out the door, you could hear the sounds of slow, romantic jazz. Giddiness wields in your racing heart. "Right this way." Confusjon littered his tone.

Denji didn't let you go. Instead, he kept his fingers over your eyes. You whined, "Denji, aren't we already inside now? Let me see."

"Not yet, baby." He husked. His voice was hushed and low, pleading, yet it still kept jts commanding strength. It was glazed endesringly, as the love mixed in like a swee syurp. Even more so, his lips were near to your ear, and you heard him in full, a piercingly bewitching sound. You were so quick to shut up after that, only nodding into his touch.

haruka's girlfriend | denji x reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now