04. You're Off Your Rocker, Wonka!

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"Now, who wants to try one?" Willy exclaimed with a laugh and adorable smile. He took one out and was about to hand it to you before—

"I will." The voice was stern, assertive, and if you weren't mistaken, a familiar aggressive. Mr. Slugworth, followed by Fickelgruber and Prodnose in all their usual disgustingly prideful ways. Proud and confident, tall and pretentious, and dim respectively.

Their composure didn't stop Willy from brightening three shades and grinning ear to ear though, "Mr. Slugworth, sir! Mr. Fickelgruber! And Mr. Prodnose!" Willy stepped down from the suitcase and pulled you down without losing eye contact with the three business men. "What an honor! Ever since I was a little—" Slugworth wrapped poor Willy in a pulverizing handshake, "—boy. That's quite a handshake," Willy groaned.

"It's a business handshake, Mr. Wonka. Lets people know I mean business." He paused for a moment before turning to you, "And who might you be? Mrs. Wonka, I presume?"

Willy stuttered out a little 'er,' while you answered, "No, but who I am doesn't matter in the slightest."

"Well then, come along. Let's try one of these so-called "Hoverchocs"." The three of them proceeded to pluck a chocolate from the jar once Willy took off the lid. They all took a moment to look at them up and down before popping the chocolates in their mouths entirely. Willy stared in nervous anticipation. Mr. Slugworth was the first to try hiding his giddy pleasure and shock, "Ooh." You and Willy bent towards him, listening carefully, "It's not just chocolate, is it? There's... marshmallow," he said like a child who'd just had chocolate for the first time.

"That's right. Harvested from the mallow marshes of Peru," Willy said with a grin.

Then came Ficklegruber, "And caramel, but-but it's—"

"Salted," Willy said with a smile, "With the bittersweet tears of a Russian clown." You wondered how Willy even managed to collect these ingredients before Prodnose chirped up.

"And is that? Surely not, cherry?"

"Cherry-picked by the pick of the cherry pickers from the Imperial Gardens in Japan," Willy quickly explained.

After they finished, Slugworth told Willy what they thought, "Well, Mr. Wonka, I've been in this business for a very long time, and I can safely say that of all the chocolate I have ever tasted, this is without a doubt—" both yours and Willy's smiles grew "—the absolute 100% worst."

You stared dumbfounded at his brutal words, While Willy did the opposite. He turned back to you with a "Woo-hoo! There we have it, ladies and gentlemen. An endorsement from Mr. S..." while he grinned you shook your head sadly and he snapped back to reality, "Wait. The worst?" He asked, turning back to the men.

Slugworth continued, "We three are the fiercest of rivals, and yet we agree on one thing. A good chocolate should be simple. Plain. Uncomplicated." He snapped.

"Whereas this with all its bells and whistles, well it's just..."

"Weird," Prodnose finished for Fickelgruber.

"A shame. If you thought the chocolate was weird, you're gonna hate what happens next," Willy said, sounding genuinely sorry for the business men, but then a mischievous smile adorned his face. "Watch closely," Willy whispered to you.

And then, it happened; the three's eyes widened as their feet rose from the ground. You laughed a bit too loudly while the so-called business men levitated against their will. Willy laughed right along with you, but his eyes never left your face.

"What's happening? What's going on?" Slugworth yelled in disbelief, catching Willy's attention.

His eyes flicked back to the men, "That's the hoverfly. It's broken out of its cocoon. It's flapping its wings like billy-oh!"

Prodnose tipped upside down just for his wig to fall off his head. "Oh, my hair!" The crowd began to join in on your laughter.

"You mean a fly's doing this?" Fickelgruber asked in disgusted shock.

"Yes, but don't worry, it'll be completely unharmed—" Willy started, more concerned for the fly than the three men "—in about twenty minutes it'll get tired and exit through your rear!" His words just made you laugh harder, leaning on him to prevent yourself collapsing to the ground.

"You what?!"

"He means we're going to fart them out of our bodies!" Prodnose pointed out.

"I know what he meant!" Fickelgruber said through frustrated annoyance.

"You're off your rocker, Wonka! Who in their right mind wants a chocolate that makes you fly?" Slugworth exclaimed from near the top of the atrium.

"Let's find out!" You yelled right back at him before turning to Willy once again, "Shall we?"

He grinned at you, "Yes we shall! Who's for a Hoverchoc?" He let all of the treats out to the crowd.

Choruses of, "I want one!" Came in tens from the crowd.

"One sovereign, please. Thank you. Thank you very much. One sovereign. Thank you madam, enjoy your flight." Willy went on and on, you collecting some sovereigns for him as well.

In an instant, the atrium was full of floating people. A sight to behold, especially with you and Willy spinning in the center of it all. His jar was now empty of chocolates and half full of sovereigns. You tipped the two dozen or so that you got and all of a sudden, he had no room left for more.

He grinned down at you with a warm smile. You did the same and couldn't help but gravitate to him. Soon enough, your faces were just inches apart. You could almost imagine the two of you colliding before his eyes flicked to something in the distance that he tipped his hat to. You turned and saw Noodle with your cart. You waved and she blew a kiss to you. Taking it, you blew one back and she turned to leave with the cart.

That was before police officers flooded the arcade. One pushed Noodle aside as she looked at you and Willy pitifully.


998 words

"I decided to split this chapter into two for your own good. If I didn't it would probably be like 2000 words long. The reason why is because when it gets too long editing tends to become impossible. Well, vote for more, comment your thoughts, and I'll see you next chapter!

Edit: I somehow forgot about entire half-scene, so I added that back in"

- Coffee

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